Max dmg sickle?



Raged Out

Join Date: Sep 2005

how much would people pay for max sickle or tribal axe?

Retro Knight

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

you guys are fools to keep saying they dont exist when they DO exist. There is ONE place in the entire game where you can get one, but it could still take you months of farming (its where i got my 6-24, req 9). ive seen a max one going for auction on GW auction. It sold for some insane amount, like 1.8mil and there was a pic (that if it was photoshopped, it was done by a pro) for proof.

so STOP saying they dont exist, because they do.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


They don't



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005

Arcane Nexus [ANX]


Victo's battle axe is just that: a battle axe, with a sickle skin. Another example: Tanzit's Cleaver is a Cleaver with a Spiked Axe skin. The fact that arenanet decided to put in a new weapon with a skin that is apparently rare, shouldnt really have an effect of the worth of an actual max or near max sickle.

On another note, ive seen screens of a max sickle, a few weeks ago in the pc forum. Most ppl were complaining that the worth of it is now crap b/c of victos battle axe, blah blah *bs*... What I have YET to see is a screen of a Max Tribal Axe...