OK girls.....lets sync this dance:)
Neutral Tyrant
mortalis doleo
i dont get it
i dont like not getting things
i dont like not getting things
i dont get it either; a nec with a few bone fiends isnt that rare
sheesh guys it wasn't meant to be rare.....guess you guys don't remember the *dancing in a circle around your handbag thing * it was meant as a funny. When it happened I thought they were wanting to do the hokey Kokey...sheesh..not explaining anymore...lol *guess you need to be a scouser with a strange sense of humor and a long memory:P
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Uh.. I got it right away..
Man you guys are slow...
Man you guys are slow...
i got it, it just wasnt funny
Juicey Shake
Vermilion Okeanos
i wonder how long will it take to DN them all and ToD them all too...
its pretty funny I think.
lol. i wish i had that many...
Okay Juicey, now that is pretty impressive.
(fixed spelling on name...)
(fixed spelling on name...)
Originally Posted by Juicey Shake
You all certantly are cruel.
Ranger Lord
lol how they last so long
agent of ascalon
Originally Posted by Ranger Lord
lol how they last so long
My good friend (i dont know you but anywayz...) veratas sacrifice gives them some regen, and blood of the master heals them to, also you can carry heal area....
im pretty sure there are more then one mm there, and im also pretty sure verata sac effects ALL friendly undead so they can keep that up perpetually by alternating between them, thats never ending undead right there
agent of ascalon
Unless of course you earthquake them!
The longer minions are alive the faster they lose HP. At some point VC doesn't affect that much.
Juicey Shake
@image I posted: I was bored, so I went saccer one day,
me and the other saccer were whispering eachother about how funny it was,
he and I both went afk once we got our instant sac's on.
I haven't MF'd since, rather I go in with EoE and kill all of the minions, yay.
me and the other saccer were whispering eachother about how funny it was,
he and I both went afk once we got our instant sac's on.
I haven't MF'd since, rather I go in with EoE and kill all of the minions, yay.
EoE FTW over MF lolz. MF gets raped by flame traps and EoE lol
You guys are such jackasses.
I liked the original picture. Its more friendly.
I liked the original picture. Its more friendly.
Juicey Shake
I liked the original... I just wanted to show it multiplied by about 10 million..
Originally Posted by Juicey Shake
Only way he has that many is because there are 2 MM...cheater...lol...