Some Ideas...


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

1. Guilds really need more flexibility with members. Such that there are only officers and leaders? Why cant each guild have uniqueness? So we can make up to say 5 ranks for each guild. So like Member, Squire, Knight, Captains...etc you get the idea. And each one set different privlages.

2. I have not received a Guild Hall yet, so not sure if these are in there, however can there be a guild store at the hall, where you can put items you find for other members to get free or buy? Maybe a donation stand so leaders can determine who is offering a lot to this guild?

3. I know this must have been said a hundread times, and argued a million times. But more items! Not so much powerful items, I know gold items are very powerful so they are already in the game, but I would like a better variety of looks and feel of a sword, rather than the same sword dropping every single time. And maybe you can have more powerful items? But equivelant in power to the gold ones, just different bonus stats each.

4. (I probably have more but cant think of them at the moment)


Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

I love all these ideas!