Still Having Trouble



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


Well, I left my old Guild, for reasons posted in another thread, and joined a new one. In the new Guild everyone is nice, friendly and helpful. But it just isnt the same as the old Guild I was in. When I left the old Guild I left mainly because of the leader but I expected to stay friends with her and everyone else. Sadly, though, it didnt work out that way. She and the second leader(acutally an officer but basically a leader) are pissed at me. Even though I understand why their pissed they wont talk to me when I try talking to them. I want to join the old Guild again to try and salvage what little but of our realationship we still have and to be friends with the other members. Right now it seems that I've got nothing to lose if I just ask for an invite. But since my other plan didnt go so well I dont want to mess up this one also. Any advice on what I should do?

Lysander Freeman

Lysander Freeman

Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005

Central PA, USA

Gladiators of Light in Darkness


Stay out of your old Guild. You left it for a reason. After a while your old GL and the other ex-Leaders will calm down.

When you move into a new house or start going to a new school you have to settle in, no different with the new Guild - just give it time.

just my two cents...



Doctor of Philosophy

Join Date: May 2005

Pacific Northwest

Team Love [kiSu]

I think if you rejoin that guild you'll get hassled even more. Probably be better off finding a new guild unless they are real life friends of yours.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

none atm


doesn't sound like a very good leader :P



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Knights of the Hokuten [KotH] (


I'd have to agree. I still keep in contact with some people who have left my guild and while I don't always agree with their reasons for leaving, I still respect their decision to do so. I'd rather learn from why they left and do what I can to minimize those issues in the future. Still, not everyone can be reasoned with, but I do my best



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2005


At times I want to go back but at others I dont. I want to test out other Guilds but the Guild I'm in wont re-invite someone. And Guest invitations only last around 10hours and thats not enough time to really pin point the pros and cons.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2005


Ancestors Rage is Now and [Ench]


You can always try out another guild, or at least check out the guild's forums before making a decsion. If the guild is at least trying to make a community then it shouldn't be a bad guild.