PvP Fire build


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Nov 2005

Norwalk, CT

I got bored one day and thought of ways to take on PvP in Team or Tombs. I play a nuker right now and noticed that I used Inferno alot. It is very powerful and fast casting time.

So here's the idea:
1.) Get a group with 6-7 Nukers(4 if it's teams) and a strong monk as bait.
2.) Have all the nukers carry Inferno and load up on AOEs that deal alot of dmg or has a blast effect (like pheonix).
3.) Surround or mix into the other team and spam Inferno and/or flame burst.
4.) Unleash hell and nuke them.

Since a strong nuker can probably pull off around 120 base dmg from Inferno, and there are 6-7 of them, theoretically, that should be pretty deadly and I imagine having it wipe out at least half the other team.

Another suggestion is maybe having a battery necro with some nice wells to recharge the eles. Also if all the ele's were E/Mo, they could life bond like crazy. (I have a E/W and E/Mo in pvp)

I know that with every build, there is a way to counter it, any ideas on improvments or just insults to my ideas?

Legendary Battousai

Legendary Battousai

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005




the problem is the manuverablility of the other team, and the fact that elementalists are very soft targets, it would be hard to pull off without being fraged yourself. it would work well against iway though.... but still, most aoe is too easily avoidable for pvp.

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

single AoE nuker is as bad as one person trying to spike without a real spike build.

If you have a bunch of AoE nuker, it actually can run chaos onto the field. It can even split enemy front and back line too far to help each other.

Obviously, spiker group is easier to carry out in execution.

Luxia mana

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005

no guild


this scare me so much but and may worth a try.
But what now if the team catch your plan and just keep running around like lil pussy girl?