Warparty Return
I was on a mission where I had to find a warparty and return with the information. Without going into spoilers, on my way back i checked the map to see if I was going in the right direction, and thought it would be quick and easy to click on the Great Wall to get back quickly (there was a timer). I think this blew the mission for me. Anyway to get it back so I can re do it? Thanks.
Rushing Wind
If you recovered the war party you were sent after then that should, no matter what you've done, be accomplished. Check your quest page (push "L" on your keyboard) and then check the specific mission. Once there it should tell you what things you have remaining to do in order to complete said quest. If it does mention that you haven't gotten the war party yet then, yes, you do need to go back and go through it again.
Hope that helps.
Hope that helps.
Dr J
A mission ends whenever you use the map quick travel. A mission is not like a quest.
Just run your ass off and don't stop to fight anything. Your minions / henchmen may bite it, but solong as you get back in the time limit, you'll win.
Like Dr J said, a mission ends if you exit the map in any way. This includes link-lost, mapping out, quitting, etc.
Basically, you'll have to restart the mission from the beginning.
Basically, you'll have to restart the mission from the beginning.