Ok, I know this is about the millionth thread about Guild Halls, but I have been unsuccessful in searching this forum to find the answer myself. So I have stopped lurking.
I understand that I need a sigil to get a Guild Hall. And I also understand that I can get one by winning the Hall of Heroes or by buying one. However, my Guild does not have 30k gold at the moment.
So my question is, How do we get into the Hall of Heroes? And what are the requirements? Basically, how does it work?
Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
Question about the Hall of Heroes
Hippolyte Troy
Welcome to the forums, and thank you for trying to search before asking. 
The Hall of Heroes is the final round in the Tombs of the Primordial Kings. Tombs is an ongoing tournament style player vs. player domain. Basically, teams of 8 enter and fight on various maps. Each win in a map against other teams of 8 players brings you one step closer to the Hall of Heroes. When you reach the Hall of Heroes (HoH), you will need to defeat the reigning team who is currently holding the HoH.
In certain maps, there can be more than 2 teams of 8.. so for example, it could be 8v8v8v8 with four teams of eight each fighting to be the last one alive. The maps have different competitive styles -- for example, King of the Kill, Capture the Relic, etc.
Needless to say, the level of competition increases with each round you win, as enemy teams tend to be much more skilled as you progress in the tournament. However, when you do win the Hall of Heroes, one person in your team will get a celestial sigil. If you continue to hold the Hall of Heroes against the next challengers, you'll get a new sigil with each new win.
To get to Tombs, you can just make a PvP character, and Tombs will be at the bottom right of your map in the desert region. To get to Tombs on a PvE character, however, you'll need to beat the desert missions and get to the Dragon's Lair mission, where there is an entrance to Tombs.

The Hall of Heroes is the final round in the Tombs of the Primordial Kings. Tombs is an ongoing tournament style player vs. player domain. Basically, teams of 8 enter and fight on various maps. Each win in a map against other teams of 8 players brings you one step closer to the Hall of Heroes. When you reach the Hall of Heroes (HoH), you will need to defeat the reigning team who is currently holding the HoH.
In certain maps, there can be more than 2 teams of 8.. so for example, it could be 8v8v8v8 with four teams of eight each fighting to be the last one alive. The maps have different competitive styles -- for example, King of the Kill, Capture the Relic, etc.
Needless to say, the level of competition increases with each round you win, as enemy teams tend to be much more skilled as you progress in the tournament. However, when you do win the Hall of Heroes, one person in your team will get a celestial sigil. If you continue to hold the Hall of Heroes against the next challengers, you'll get a new sigil with each new win.
To get to Tombs, you can just make a PvP character, and Tombs will be at the bottom right of your map in the desert region. To get to Tombs on a PvE character, however, you'll need to beat the desert missions and get to the Dragon's Lair mission, where there is an entrance to Tombs.
Hippolyte Troy
Thanks so much! That's exactly the information I was looking for.
I've been searching the net for answers and i came across this forum. I have a question about the "desert missions" so a PvE character can reach the Tombs. I'm now on the Sanctum Cay mission.. am i close or did i pass it? Thank you in advance.
I've been searching the net for answers and i came across this forum. I have a question about the "desert missions" so a PvE character can reach the Tombs. I'm now on the Sanctum Cay mission.. am i close or did i pass it? Thank you in advance.
After Sanctum Cay you travel to the desert. There you will have 3 missions to complete (These are quite hard). Then you have a very special quest you need to complete. Then you get to the dragons lair (pretty easy really). And after you finish that, you're ready to enter the tombs.
Thank you Very much