08 Dec 2005 at 03:50 - 5
see now,proclaiming the title "help the noobs"and saying rangers are the best,and w/mo suck,now thats just bad,back on track...and monk for a ranger is useless,so what if it heals,thats what troll unguent is for,maybe smite hex would help even with 0 smiting,2nd drop the beast mastery,my setup only uses h/e much marksmanship it needs my bow is 15-28 req 8 14% over 50,+30,10/10,so all i do is knock my marksmanship to 8(note,w/ my lvl 18 i have all 3 sup. runes,so im around 250hp ish,havent been on him in a while)which is probably 5,and my wilderness survival and expertise is around 13/13,which also helps cause my skills barely cost anything,especially since im a interupt ranger/crippler,concussion shot is barely 10 or so,so yeah i wouldnt mind the beast mastery,unless you really want a stupid pet...3rd,if ur going for ignite or kindle,go for kindle in places where their not grouped,and ignite when theri in groups...and gj,poison arrows the way to go!