Sorry for all the annoying topics.My FINAL question

The one Casey Squid

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

The Northeast

Knights Of Thulcandra [KoT]


Sorry but I just actually found the character I like using and its the necro.

He is going to be a necro/warrior who uses a hammer.

what would be a good skill set up for this guy and what attributes should I invest in? thank you guys for your patience.

imaginary friend

imaginary friend

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

marhans grottoooo

Empires of Underworld [EoU]


blood+curse+hammer necro

vampiric touch
vampiric gaze
well of power/spiteful spirit/earthshaker
parasitic bond
hammer skill of your liking (personally i love counter blow)
hammer skill of your liking (irrestible blow in my opinion)
well of blood/mark of pain
rez sig

im still in the building process for this...... so dont flame me

a cadet

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

If you absolutely insist on a N/W, you can try this build:

Vampiric Touch
Irresistable Blow
Backbreaker {E}
Vampiric Gaze/Dark Pact

The idea is you expend those 4 pips of energy by spamming Vampiric Touch and Irresistable Blow. You would use Backbreaker since it lasts longer (you dont have Stonefist Gauntlets). Frenzy and Sprint are self explanatory, Vampiric Gaze is in case your target is almost dead and running away (dark pact just recharges faster). The 'something' i mentioned is a slot for some utility skill that may help your team (for example, if your team lacks corpse control you can take Consume Corpse or Necrotic Traversal, something like that).

The attributes would probably go something like this:
15-16 Blood Magic
12 Hammer Mastery
Put the rest in soul reaping, or Death Magic (if you take Consume Corpse for example)

If you want to go secondary warrior and use a hammer my first choice is R/W, but theres a build that (i think) will work decently as a N/W.