What do dyes do? black dye sells for so much but what does it do?
basically all dye's do is "color" your armor and weapons. So if you put black dye on say the starter elementalist chest armor.. those stripes which are red would then become black.
You need to know that now all of an armor/shield/weapon is dye'able, and when you apply a dye to that item, only the dye'able part gets dye'ed.
Basically dye is a method of getting some color'ing to your armor/weapons that you like..
You need to know that now all of an armor/shield/weapon is dye'able, and when you apply a dye to that item, only the dye'able part gets dye'ed.
Basically dye is a method of getting some color'ing to your armor/weapons that you like..
actually black won't turn most things black, more a deep violet or purple. You have to keep stacking multiple dyes on the same location to get real black.
You can mix dyes 4 times before needing a remover.
You can mix dyes 4 times before needing a remover.
When I mix dies, it just tells me it's a mixture. Does the mixing follow conventional mixing guidelines (meaning, Google for color mixtures and voila)?
Olfin Bedwere
Read through here. There`s a color mixing program that I`ve fooled around with that not bad and a color chart. If what some are saying, that it mixes like light, then Megenta, Cyan, and Green would be you primary colors.
Read through here. There`s a color mixing program that I`ve fooled around with that not bad and a color chart. If what some are saying, that it mixes like light, then Megenta, Cyan, and Green would be you primary colors.
Hanok Odbrook
Is there an easy why to get dye aside from buying it when the rare opportunity comes up or the rarer monster drop? I want to try to keep my characters color matched, but have been unable to find or buy the specific colors I need. You would think GW would make it easier for us to keep our characters unique - that's the essence of an RPG, is it not?

Master Gunner
There is a guy in the ascalon foothills near the entrence to the travlers vale that can craft die, you can get a quest to find him in yaks bend.
Also, keep in mind that dye sells for a nice chunk of change, and you can get even more by selling to other players. Think carefully before dying something, especially armor early on. If you end up replacing the item and selling/trashing the originial, the dye is basically lost.
On the other hand, having a personalized set of armor is pretty cool. It's just something that you should really think about before doing.
On the other hand, having a personalized set of armor is pretty cool. It's just something that you should really think about before doing.
Originally Posted by Master Gunner
There is a guy in the ascalon foothills near the entrence to the travlers vale that can craft die, you can get a quest to find him in yaks bend.