read topic...then answer
should be simple enough :P
quick Q: does minions/pets gain benefits from warrior shouts?
Agild Greenfinger
I can't give a definitive answer, but I can say at best, it depends.
I can say for sure that my pet has never gained any advantage from Charge!
I can say for sure that my pet has never gained any advantage from Charge!
I'm guessing if the skill says "allies" then it does, if it is "party" then it does not. Reasons:
- I Will Avenge You - pet deaths count
- Heal Party - non-party allies (pets and npc's) are not healed
- I Will Avenge You - pet deaths count
- Heal Party - non-party allies (pets and npc's) are not healed
iway work too if yur minnion dead
Originally Posted by Glasswalker
I can say for sure that my pet has never gained any advantage from Charge!
As a general rule of thumb, if the skill targets "allies" it includes your pet. If it targets "party members" your pet isn't included. Therefore, Charge! and Sheilds Up! will help the pets as well, while Watch Yourself! and Aegis will not.
Originally Posted by geminisaga
iway work too if yur minnion dead