Simple and effective way to make money farming
In the time I've been lurking these forums I've seen so many posts that solved a problem or made playing the game more fun.
I kept wishing there was something I could contribute but almost every time I'd discover some new shortcut or stumble into a a way to beat a mission, it was already here.
Finally there is something I can add. It's about farming but does not contain a new spot, or build. They're all here.
But I can offer a way - tested by me - that will result in you making more money farming. Like a lot of truths, it's very simple. But it works - my full FOW armor, 15% chaos axe, crystaline sword, perfect brute sword, strength shield with both health and damage reduction testify to that.
Here it comes - you're almost certain to be disappointed at first, but follow me through at the stick here:
Find a method of farming or a place that is actually fun. For me, it's been killing hydras at times and killing trolls at times. It doesn't really matter what you find. But it does matter that you enjoy it.
You'll read note after note here from people saying that they don't farm because it isn't fun. How could any spend an hour or so doing this stuff, they'll say. And - truth is - if you don't enjoy it, you won't stick with it long enough to make a significant amount of gold. So it's an important criticism.
But if you do find your particular sweet spot - maybe it is experimenting with farming builds, maybe it's exploring to find new farming spots, or maybe (like me) it's trying to see how many hydras you can handle at once with just an axe and no smiting. But once you find what melts your butter, you'll enjoy going back to it, perfecting it.
OK. That's it. Nothing fancy at all. But if you can actually make a game out of farming, you'll end up well-stocked with gold, upgrades and weapons ... and have a good time doing it.
I kept wishing there was something I could contribute but almost every time I'd discover some new shortcut or stumble into a a way to beat a mission, it was already here.
Finally there is something I can add. It's about farming but does not contain a new spot, or build. They're all here.
But I can offer a way - tested by me - that will result in you making more money farming. Like a lot of truths, it's very simple. But it works - my full FOW armor, 15% chaos axe, crystaline sword, perfect brute sword, strength shield with both health and damage reduction testify to that.
Here it comes - you're almost certain to be disappointed at first, but follow me through at the stick here:
Find a method of farming or a place that is actually fun. For me, it's been killing hydras at times and killing trolls at times. It doesn't really matter what you find. But it does matter that you enjoy it.
You'll read note after note here from people saying that they don't farm because it isn't fun. How could any spend an hour or so doing this stuff, they'll say. And - truth is - if you don't enjoy it, you won't stick with it long enough to make a significant amount of gold. So it's an important criticism.
But if you do find your particular sweet spot - maybe it is experimenting with farming builds, maybe it's exploring to find new farming spots, or maybe (like me) it's trying to see how many hydras you can handle at once with just an axe and no smiting. But once you find what melts your butter, you'll enjoy going back to it, perfecting it.
OK. That's it. Nothing fancy at all. But if you can actually make a game out of farming, you'll end up well-stocked with gold, upgrades and weapons ... and have a good time doing it.
Very true..all of it. Yes I farm for money, but I also farm for the challanges and opportunities it provides. We all know the builds, and we all know the places, but do we know what and where works best for us individually? A month ago I preferred Prophet's Path, mainly because you could take out the whole place in one fight, but also because of the Devourers. I could time it to where two wouldn't pose a problem, but 3-4 still caused a few issues and I made it a goal to survive with four of them included in the mob. Now I periodically farm the Trolls outside of Drok's, but only in hopes of a Felblade.
Another aspect touched upon is finding the best method of farming, one that best fits your style of play. What build to use for Ettins, which one for Trolls and how best to take out the Hydras? These are opportunities that allow you to experiment with builds/weapons/armor and secondaries.
Create a challenge or goal and then work at never know what might happen.
Another aspect touched upon is finding the best method of farming, one that best fits your style of play. What build to use for Ettins, which one for Trolls and how best to take out the Hydras? These are opportunities that allow you to experiment with builds/weapons/armor and secondaries.
Create a challenge or goal and then work at never know what might happen.
My trick is to have a goal for farming. Most recently, this was a full set of runes for my monk. I knew I needed about 30k (at the time Heal+Prot+DF was about 30k), and having that goal in sight kept me going. "Ok, 2.5k on this run, thats almost 10% closer!"
But the OP is totally right, I also do SF/UW because they're just fun, and I've gotten quite a bit from doing that.
But the OP is totally right, I also do SF/UW because they're just fun, and I've gotten quite a bit from doing that.
All I wonder is if it's more profitable to sell weapons as is or salvage them all and sell the materials.
The thing about farming and making money (both in Gw n Real life) is to have a plan on what u want to do - and stick to it. Serious farming is boring - but if that's the step u need to take to reach ur goal (what ever that is), then boring is the way to go.
Get rich schemes rarely work, and they probably make u end up burnt
Get rich schemes rarely work, and they probably make u end up burnt
AxeMe, this does not really explain your FOW armor. You can buy everything else.
Originally Posted by Megamanfan
All I wonder is if it's more profitable to sell weapons as is or salvage them all and sell the materials.
Ultimate Warrior
I have, what I think is the best farming spot for axers. It is the griffons outside of Augury. You find lots of gold weapons and make money very fast. If you want to know the build for farming griffons just message me here or in the game. My IGN is Demon Of Lucifer.
I also like to farm ettins, outside of beetletun. You can find lots of superior vigors and superior absorptions. The good thing about farming ettins is you can get rich very quick, also everyone can do it! You do not need a specific build or profession.
I also like to farm ettins, outside of beetletun. You can find lots of superior vigors and superior absorptions. The good thing about farming ettins is you can get rich very quick, also everyone can do it! You do not need a specific build or profession.
I've started farming fire imps with my ranger for charcoal and glowing hearts(incase they are needed for xmas goodies). I don't make anywhere near griffons with my warrior per run but i get maybe 2-3 charcoal and 4-5 hearts and a few hundred gold for a 3-5 mnute run.
Originally Posted by KANE OG
AxeMe, this does not really explain your FOW armor. You can buy everything else.
xmas goodies?
Oe of my favorite farming areas is "The Breach" outside Piken...then run toward courthouse and take out the large temple full of char and the run to the flame temple...
What makes it fun? I do it with my Minion Master...summoning fiends and minions and horrors )oh, my), high soul reaping keeps energy up, so I'm hitting the same three skills....spam, spam, army clears the area and all I do is move towards the mobs...
What makes it profitable? Unlike higher level mobs, almost every char drops something...a few gold here and there, some dye, char carvings, char hides convert to fur squares at Ascalon (200g-ish each...), minor and ocassionally a major rune....about 4k per hour...
What makes it fun? I do it with my Minion Master...summoning fiends and minions and horrors )oh, my), high soul reaping keeps energy up, so I'm hitting the same three skills....spam, spam, army clears the area and all I do is move towards the mobs...
What makes it profitable? Unlike higher level mobs, almost every char drops something...a few gold here and there, some dye, char carvings, char hides convert to fur squares at Ascalon (200g-ish each...), minor and ocassionally a major rune....about 4k per hour...
Augury Rock
Loads of Hydras.
I take:
Optional(by Build):
THe final slot is usually a Signet of Capture (for random bosses) or just a throw away skill.
I take a few hench with me (Warrior, Brawler, & Protector). Since Hydras generally drop 100 gold, it's pretty sweet.
Farming is super repettative, but I never battle the same way twice. It's interesting b/c I've been using this to learn more effective ways to kill Hydras. So far, I can take down groups of 3 without much trouble. I actually made 3k in 2 hrs, so... it's not that bad. Besides,if you stick close to town, you can reset your DP fairly quickly.
Loads of Hydras.
I take:
- Rotting Flesh
- Spiteful Spirit
- Suffering
- Parasitic Bond
Optional(by Build):
- Suicide Bomber
- Death Nova
- Taste of Death
- Animate Bone Minions
- Plague
- Shadow of Fear
- Mark of Pain
- Weaken Armor
THe final slot is usually a Signet of Capture (for random bosses) or just a throw away skill.
I take a few hench with me (Warrior, Brawler, & Protector). Since Hydras generally drop 100 gold, it's pretty sweet.
Farming is super repettative, but I never battle the same way twice. It's interesting b/c I've been using this to learn more effective ways to kill Hydras. So far, I can take down groups of 3 without much trouble. I actually made 3k in 2 hrs, so... it's not that bad. Besides,if you stick close to town, you can reset your DP fairly quickly.
Originally Posted by skynetftw
I have a farming build that I've been perfecting, that can give me 5k including the drops every 3 runs, at each run being ~5 mins.
It's an elementalist build, and it works good if you can master it. I find it hard to stick with it, and spend large amounts of time on that spot though. I think I could make 100k in a day if I spent all day doing it. |
Originally Posted by Azeroths Hammer
If your gonna say you have such a great build and rub it into peoples faces atleast tell people what the build is and if not just dont say anything at all.
Swampgirl Inez
Thanks Axe. I agree. My farming consists of picking things up while I clear a zone. I don't have fun killing the same thing over and over in the same place, but I do like to explore. I usually pick a place I've never been and set out to open up my map. For me, going out and hunting for the 'big drop' is tedious and I find I can make pretty good money just picking up everything then selling or salvaging it for materials as I go.
Originally Posted by Swampgirl Inez
Thanks Axe. I agree. My farming consists of picking things up while I clear a zone. I don't have fun killing the same thing over and over in the same place, but I do like to explore. I usually pick a place I've never been and set out to open up my map. For me, going out and hunting for the 'big drop' is tedious and I find I can make pretty good money just picking up everything then selling or salvaging it for materials as I go.
Swampgirl Inez

Another way to make money. Stack up those common crafting materials, head on out to an NPC crafter and have him craft some rare materials, head back to town and sell to rare materials vendor. Works well with large quantities so you can turn a decent profit in one trip.
one answer... ebay... rofl

I always farm the lvl 10 Stone Summit (Beast Masters) and Trolls, it suits me as a ranger and I'm getting some nice Fellblades and major runes (got a major vigor last night
sometimes I do a Charr run (clear entire area from all charrs (and I do every Ascalon area :P))
sometimes I do a Charr run (clear entire area from all charrs (and I do every Ascalon area :P))