About Making 1 more acct 4 my brother


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: May 2005

Pls Read Just a question. what if my brother wants to play..............what do i do buy a new copy..... i will spend more money just to make one more acct thats sad and 1 more thing does GW run in 56k modem??? thx!!!!

Amd Athlon 2.4ghz
512 mb ddr ram
Ge Force fx 5400 128mb

can this system work fine on GW??


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

56k friendly

2 players either
get a second copy and play at the same time (56k?)
or share the character slots and share time played

2 people equals 2x the expence for arena equals buy 2 copies


if 2 then why not 3 or more for the price of one?