
Toll Booth Willie

Toll Booth Willie

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

tn, usa


Ok I have glads armor with ascalon boots and a sup absorption run.
I also have a shield that is -2 enchant and -2 stance.

If i am tanking and using Armor of earth and shield stance do they all stack and is it global reduction?

(saw similar topic on another forum and they had like 5 different answers, i just changed the information to reflect my equip and char)


Monica Angelina

Monica Angelina

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Hot Original Elementalists


I suggest that you go outside Beetletun (east exit) and test it yourself. The mergoyles(?) there do just enough damage so that you can see the effect of different pieces of equipment/enchantment/stances would have on your damage intake. Tank them and switch equipement w/o fighting them. Look at the red numbers to see how much damage you are taking with the various combinations that you have and you will know exactly. In short, with the exception of runes in the same class (absorption, for example) don't stack, everything else seem to and is global. I know, people will say otherwise, so this is just my opinion based on my limited and potentially flawed observation.

I do love it though, when 0's start popping up consistently!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

Another point is that shields protect from the front (1/2?) so attacks from the rear (1/2?) will not have the shield bonus.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


that's one reason prison really sucks.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Here's the guide to runes, which also covers absorption.

Short version, yes. You get all the bonuses if you're enchanted in a stance.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


Wait wait, the Armor from a shield is locational, 'covering' a cewrtain angle on the front of your person. However the shield's -2 while in stance is a global damage modifier, such as the knights armour pieces, no?


Toll Booth Willie

Toll Booth Willie

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005

tn, usa


I was really interested in the global effect or not.

I read on anther sites guide that absorption runes only apply to weapon attacks and does not effect spells.
Also had heard that the absorption on shield is conditional to front attacks as mentioned above.

Just wondering about the worth of all this absorption, if its not all global then i may go back to hammer.

thanks again for your advice,
(btw i am at work so can't test for myself right now, not sure I would know how to test the global effect of it even if i was at home)


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005


Come A-Net please oh please just publish some OFFICIAL answer to the absoption mystery, or just fix the bugs with it that alows some absorption to be global and some not to be. To be or not to be , that is the true question.....lol


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005


i agree.. is it that hard to have a little mouseover window display your current global armor absorption? how can anyone make decisions on armor etc if so much speculation is in play? anet needs to provide explanations on these things... like shield armor effect etc...

... like, is vs. Undead bonus working on Skeletons; or do you need vs. Skeletons specifically. last time i checked, skeletons were undead.

some details please. jeez.




Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by DeanBB
Another point is that shields protect from the front (1/2?) so attacks from the rear (1/2?) will not have the shield bonus.
Urban myth; direction makes no difference.

Originally Posted by NRM
Come A-Net please oh please just publish some OFFICIAL answer to the absoption mystery, or just fix the bugs with it that alows some absorption to be global and some not to be. To be or not to be , that is the true question.....lol
Absorption stacks with everything else that reduces damage, aside from other absorption runes. It stacks with Sheild bonuses, Armor bonuses, Enchantment bonuses... etc.

Absorption effects all damage that you take that doesn't just ignore Armor.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

The whole shield/direction thing is a myth. Test that while you are at it.