Roleplaying Faction
Well in Roleplaying Mode,what is the quickest way to gain faction?I tried the arena's but I was a lvl 12 in a team of lvl 20's vs another team of 20's and my team lost due to the handicap.Any help appreciated
Make a PvP character and do the Arenas. Well, it'd be better for you to get your level 12 up to level 20, unlocking more skills along the way.
Originally Posted by Sliceman
Well in Roleplaying Mode,what is the quickest way to gain faction?I tried the arena's but I was a lvl 12 in a team of lvl 20's vs another team of 20's and my team lost due to the handicap.Any help appreciated
As a level 12, you are eligible to use the arena at Yak's Bend, which has a level cap of 15 (meaning you can enter it at any point DURING level 15, but cannot enter once you hit 16).