PvP Signet Monk?

Tarot Ribos

Tarot Ribos

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


Yep. Here's the build. Mo/Me, obviously.

14 Divine Favor (12+Hat+Minor Rune)
11 Smiting (9+Major Rune)
8? Protection (7?+ Minor Rune)
8 Inspiration Magic

Mantra of Inscriptions
Signet of Devotion
Blessed Signet
Bane Signet
Signet of Judgment {E}
Life Bond
Resurrection Signet

Armor: Judge's for All.
Weaponry: PvP Rods/Offhands for Improved Recharge speeds on Smite/Divine Favor.

Basic Strategy: Throw on Life Bond and Retribution on party members as seen necessary. Up to 6 enchantments can easily be maintained, thanks to Blessed Signet and Mantra of Inscriptions. Smite as necessary. Heal as necessary.

In Comp Arena, testing hasn't been too bad. The main problem is keeping them from targeting me and getting spiked. Surprisingly, energy isn't a problem at all. We flawlessed in 3 vs. 4... with us the man down. Retribution on myself, combined with the smite sigs, kept the angry warriors off me. And Life Bond didn't kill me, reducing damage by 16.

Overall, rather successful... but I hate investing in 4 attributes. What are the suggestions here? Using signets are the primary focus, the enchantments are only there to put Blessed Signet and my energy to use. I'll be swapping to Superior Runes ASAP... I just need to unlock them, first.



Join Date: May 2005


Slash Rank[DeeR]


Monk Signet is bad

Mes signet is good however, do keystone sig and weariness, leach, humility, inscriptions. then succor and life bond put it on a monk =)

Tarot Ribos

Tarot Ribos

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005


That was my secondary line of thinking, but here's the problem: No Blessed Signet on a Mesmer. Which means I'm limited to 2 allies for Succor and Life Bond... because Energy Tap just doesn't recharge fast enough.

I really have to have Divine Favor for the Blessed Signet, which is really the most efficient form of energy renewal (outside Ether Renewal, which I'm not counting).

I was definitely considering Succor in place of Retribution... so I'll probably drop the whole Smiting Line. Focus more on Protection. Bane and Judgment just don't justify a whole new line of attribute points. With Judgment gone, I can use Keystone Signet instead.

I'll be updating this as soon as I get the mentioned Keystone Signet... it won't be too long, but my play time is currently at a low point due to this thing called "life" that I supposedly have to deal with.