Yet another 55 build question..
Mystic Fate
Okay, I got to 55 hp, got sups. on all of my cloths. (Took a crap load of money.) Anyways, I got my skills and set out to solo, real quick...died. So I got pissed and came here, and its not Like I died once, more like 5 times, so yeah. What are the Skills and attributes that I need to correctly do the 55 monk Build?
Heh. You just lowered your health and that was it?
What you need to bring depends on if you plan on just surviving or surviving with less success and doing damage.
What you need to bring depends on if you plan on just surviving or surviving with less success and doing damage.
Mjollnir of Eitri
Zephyr Jackson
I know 7, Mend, Balth A, Balth Spirit, Protective Spirit, Bonnettis, Shield of Deflection
also essence bond i think
mortalis doleo
most important are prot spirit and health regen, being mending and healing breeze (breeze only in certain areas).
for e management, you need balth spirit and essence bond. bonneti's is also important if you are part warrior.
for actually hurting your enemies... balthasar'a aura...
for e management, you need balth spirit and essence bond. bonneti's is also important if you are part warrior.
for actually hurting your enemies... balthasar'a aura...
Mystic Fate
Alright cool thanks. Any elites though?
Shield of Judgement.
yea, you can add watchful spirit + mending, so you dont have to have as many points in healing, getting breeze up around 4 or 5 regen is good, as its really only for emergencies, that way you have more points to spend in smiting and prot. just watch those nightmares! trixy little buggers.
Originally Posted by Cartoonhero
yea, you can add watchful spirit + mending, so you dont have to have as many points in healing, getting breeze up around 4 or 5 regen is good, as its really only for emergencies, that way you have more points to spend in smiting and prot. just watch those nightmares! trixy little buggers.
Ahaha. "I just reduced my health to 55 and rushed into solo a bunch of Gryphons. Why'd I die?"
Originally Posted by Omnidragon42
When I 2-man in UW I bring Spellbreaker for the nightmares.
yea, when you do this solo, however, not having a damage spell like SOJ makes things INCREDIBLY slow. when i two man, i carry breeze and prot as the assistant, and slam it on when one pops, as they kill themselves rending enchants, then the 55 can get their stuff back on real quick. i really prefer SS to spellbreaker, as it makes things go much faster, but if im having a string of bad luck, i switch it out.
Not another 55 build question.
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Search. It's what's for dinner.
Unienaule said it all. Closed as redundant.