where can i find a bag?
lol my minds blank on where to find a bag.. where can i buy one? sertin merchant? collector?
Lots of merchants sell them, usually in the bigger towns. Try Lions Arch, Ascalon City, Droknar's Forge, Henge of Denravi, and Amnoon Oasis.
I think the first place you can get a bag is frontier gate, from the army chap. However a lot of places sell bags, just not a couple of places that you would expect to, which is probably what confused you in the first place.
Originally Posted by darkMishkin
I think the first place you can get a bag is frontier gate, from the army chap. However a lot of places sell bags, just not a couple of places that you would expect to, which is probably what confused you in the first place.
i just ran a new character through the academy and bags were for sale in ascalon.
i think runes of holding show up at ft ruric
Yak's Bend is where I go.