Gaile Gray talks PvP!
One and Two
I dunno why I'm posting this in guru, since so many of you are hardcore PvE and whatever. Anyways...
Guardian of the Light
lol funny part about inviting her to the guild
Sum Gai
Whoever said that Otyugh's Cry wasn't good, was stupid. I run Otyugh's Cry spike in GvG, and be TE with it. xD
Originally Posted by Sum Gai
Whoever said that Otyugh's Cry wasn't good, was stupid. I run Otyugh's Cry spike in GvG, and be TE with it. xD
thats impossible. you cant turn animals against their masters or master's allies, so therefore it has no effect in pvp.
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by master_ranger_matt
thats impossible. you cant turn animals against their masters or master's allies, so therefore it has no effect in pvp.
It adds armor...
Right, I do that too. Basically you spike with Otyguh's Cry (called "OC" by the pros) by stacking it 16 times (R/Me's with Echo). Their armor compounds itself to the point where the armor bonus hits the cap number (around 4.2 million) and loops back into about negative 4.2 million, which renders all your animals invincible. Then, you sic it on the enemy Guild Lord. Voila, insta-win.
Sir Aurik
asp your the smartest guild wars player ever.....