I was wondering if there were any builds that used greater conflaguration and melee, and if not, if any o yalls thinks it might be a good build.
I was thinking
Apply Poison
Seeking Blade / Swift Chop
Sever Artery / Dismember
Gash / Axe Twist / Cyclone Axe
Lightning Reflexes
Tiger's Fury
Greater Conflaguration [E]
Troll Unguent
What do you think?
GC Melee R/W?
what point does GC serve there??
It makes physical damage into elemental (fire), of which the ranger armor has +30 or +45. Sure anything to get an edge. Remember that it effects everyone so other rangers on each side gain the benefit also.
But you don't do hardly any damage with that build...
poison and bleeding, it does a decent amount. I suppose it would do more damage with a hammer.
It would be a pretty good survivor for a pve build.
*Gets build idea*
*runs to the drawing board*
*runs to the drawing board*