Tanzit's Defender??
Tanzits Defender, is dropped by a boss in the SF area right? Well I was out questing iwth a new guildie in the ascalon area and the frikin green shield dropped form a hulking earth ele!! Luckily for me he didn't know that it was a rare shield and I bought it for 1k... anway is this a glitch or do they just drop anywhere?
Tanzit's defender... off of a low level mob? Haha... definitely a bug if true. Do you have any pictures of the event?
No I didn't think of it at the time, although I still have the shield.
Supremacy Of Malice
lol u basterd, scamin ur guilde
I couldn't help myself.
Originally Posted by Soflaz
Tanzits Defender, is dropped by a boss in the SF area right? Well I was out questing iwth a new guildie in the ascalon area and the frikin green shield dropped form a hulking earth ele!! Luckily for me he didn't know that it was a rare shield and I bought it for 1k... anway is this a glitch or do they just drop anywhere?
Uhh what's that suppost to mean?
Also anyone figure out what happened? I don't think they just drop in Ascalon
Also anyone figure out what happened? I don't think they just drop in Ascalon
Shimus DarkRaven
I think he misread what you wrote. Unless, assuming of course, you meant you dropped the shield that you bought, to make it look like the ele dropped it.
As is currently stands, I've only EVER seen greens drop SF/Grenth's area. So if it indeed dropped, count yourself lucky..and count yourself bugged :P
--The Shim
As is currently stands, I've only EVER seen greens drop SF/Grenth's area. So if it indeed dropped, count yourself lucky..and count yourself bugged :P
--The Shim
I swear it dropped in ascalon, he came up and had the shield and I was all like " wtf!!! where did you get that" and he's like " I found it"
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by Soflaz
I swear it dropped in ascalon, he came up and had the shield and I was all like " wtf!!! where did you get that" and he's like " I found it"
Simple as that. Greens do not drop anywhere else but the SF/Grenth's area..like I said, if he truly did get it dropped, it's a bug.
--The Shim
The guy is level 9 and he started playing 2 days ago.
Whispering Siren
it's pretty crappy that you scammed your own guildie by buying it for only 1k when you obviously know it's worth more.
and i highly doubt it dropped in ascalon.
and i highly doubt it dropped in ascalon.
I think it's smart, are we getting off topic here?
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by Soflaz
I think it's smart, are we getting off topic here?
Off topic would be "how's the weather" but at least this pertains to the FP <first post>
--The Shim
uh huh.. i meant aren't we suppost to be talking about how this happened? That's what I was asking about.
Shimus DarkRaven
Originally Posted by Soflaz
uh huh.. i meant aren't we suppost to be talking about how this happened? That's what I was asking about.
--The Shim
OK w/e it happened and that's all I care now. hmm I wonder if I can close this myself.