Newbie to game, basic questions.
So I'm a large MMORPG fan, have old and new school experiance rangeing from running my own GODWARS coded MUD to playing the most popular MMORPG's (or pseudo MMORPGS) of late (WoW, FFXI, SW:G, D2) but I'm running into an issue with this game! I've settled with mostly tanks and the like for play style, but I'm also very happy to play a pure caster. This game however seems to be eludeing me as far as profession choice is concearned. Now I've been playing around 15 hours messing with different combinations and the like, and I've come to a few conclusions; I like the Warrior and I like the Elementalist. Both a lot! However I have a REALLY hard time picking a secondary for either profession. (and yes I've tried a combo of both...doesnt suit me) So, I'm not exactly asking what I should do, just input into what is normal, whats 'Uber', whats up with GW? What secondary proffesion for which primary and why? I realize this game has a LOT to offer in variety and I'll probably end up trying most of them anyways, but I'd love to hear some of the communities input first. Many thanks!
check out the campfire.
er didnt read eom's post O.o