whats your favorite charector? why
whats your favorite charector and why?
my favorite pve char is my w/mo and my favorite pvp charector is my nuker..
just wondering..
my favorite pve char is my w/mo and my favorite pvp charector is my nuker..
just wondering..
Favourite PvE characeter is my W/R...
He's just so great in my opinion. He's pretty much all that I AM in an RP world.
My ultimate RPG avatar.
He's just so great in my opinion. He's pretty much all that I AM in an RP world.
My ultimate RPG avatar.
I sorta like playing Monks in PvE. The enemies everywhere deal so little damage it's pathetic. It makes me feel like I'm cheating.
I like playing high damage Warriors in PvP (eg: Tiger's Fury W/R's). Nothing feels quite the same as dropping a target in 3 quick hits.
I like playing high damage Warriors in PvP (eg: Tiger's Fury W/R's). Nothing feels quite the same as dropping a target in 3 quick hits.
Monk or Mesmer.
Warrior in pve for sure.
Monk in PvP (gotta love those ninja rofs)
Monk in PvP (gotta love those ninja rofs)
PvE Ranger
GvG Mesmer
GvG Mesmer
Shimus DarkRaven
Warrior/X<depending on which I feel like, I switch his secondary, did all classes/have most skills for all secondaries.>
Other then that, I rank my Mesmer/Necro the next best, the my Monk/Necro, and then my Elementalist/Ranger
--The Shim
Other then that, I rank my Mesmer/Necro the next best, the my Monk/Necro, and then my Elementalist/Ranger
--The Shim
Monk Pve
Anti-Monk Necro In pvp-Gvg *,..,*
Anti-Monk Necro In pvp-Gvg *,..,*
E/Mo: You don't have to worry about aggro (If you have a good group) and you do all the damage . You can even function as a secondary healer sometimes (my second favorite is the healign monk).
PvE: Trapper
PvP: Disrupt Ranger
(I like rangers )
PvP: Disrupt Ranger
(I like rangers )
Retribution X
My W/Mo that can be ANYTHING!!! he rocks!!!
rugal nuker
Necro. They own and people have no clue of their potential (well most people). And I hate Wammos lol.
They are so flexible and can be applied to any situation, PvE or PvP.
They are so flexible and can be applied to any situation, PvE or PvP.
My warrior because he's supported me in style through his ability to farm.
My first character - Ondo W/Mo - not because he's a W/Mo, but because he taught me the game.
Mo/me for protecting and intrupts.
Mo/e for healing and damage/intrupts
Mo/e for healing and damage/intrupts
I know I'm supposed to say my favorite, but I just wanted to say that I'm trying out a E/W...I've heard people downplay it so I figured I'd be different. On top of that I think I'm going to make him a Aeromancer, just because so few people do it. So far I haven't had much trouble. I think it could be a powerful character once I'm done.
PvE: Mo/Me or R/Me
PvP: R/Me
PvP: R/Me
Like all first loves its got to be my N/M. She can really do some damage and keep herself alive. I do like my E/M as well though I have only just started her
cant really say, probably my 1st char, ranger/mo, just because i had so much fun with them, but most of my chars i find fun
Without a doubt, my very first char, my r/mo. I got good at interrupts with her, lately I've been doing some UW trapping.
I've brought three other chars to level now (e/mo, w/n and mo/e), and she's still my favorite.
I've brought three other chars to level now (e/mo, w/n and mo/e), and she's still my favorite.
I like all my chars, but for some reason people seem to think im a good monk, so i dunno. i get requested to play monk a lot, but i do like monking. my ranger would probably have to come in a very close second
Swampgirl Inez
My W/E will always come first, but I really enjoy playing my ranger too.
Excite X
PvE - Me/* - Love playing the underated mesmer. Good mesmer > Ele or Nec. Never use my 2nd profession, mesmer's got enough skills that suit me in every need..
PvP - Me/E - Love shutting down monks. I just like to imagine how pissed I'd be if I was the monk, and not able to use a single spell because some annoying mes won't leave you alone
Also like playing the good ol' KD AS Earth ele.
PvP - Me/E - Love shutting down monks. I just like to imagine how pissed I'd be if I was the monk, and not able to use a single spell because some annoying mes won't leave you alone
Also like playing the good ol' KD AS Earth ele.
definatley my e/mo nukage + healing help, ultimate pve char, my monk definatley a close second, i like monking
I like to play monks. Here's why:
It's a lot of fun trying to keep people alive in pve and pvp. You can get a little more lax with pve. It can be more fun. Especially in Thunderhead with all the crazies. Keepin' the group alive, and the king? Hehehe...great fun. Once I did it when the other monk dropped/quit. It's just fun, because you always have something to do. Sure, you don't really get drops, but who cares when you're havin' a good time?
In pvp, it's a great time because you know you're the target. Keepin' yourself alive AND the team? That's a challenge in itself. I learned early on that monks charged with the well being of the party should not carry rez. A lot of the community doesn't agree with me though. So I don't really get a lot of groups in tombs. But still! It's a blast trying to stop the other team from rippin' your team a new one. I'm gettin' better at it every time I monk it up....I think so anyways.
It's a lot of fun trying to keep people alive in pve and pvp. You can get a little more lax with pve. It can be more fun. Especially in Thunderhead with all the crazies. Keepin' the group alive, and the king? Hehehe...great fun. Once I did it when the other monk dropped/quit. It's just fun, because you always have something to do. Sure, you don't really get drops, but who cares when you're havin' a good time?
In pvp, it's a great time because you know you're the target. Keepin' yourself alive AND the team? That's a challenge in itself. I learned early on that monks charged with the well being of the party should not carry rez. A lot of the community doesn't agree with me though. So I don't really get a lot of groups in tombs. But still! It's a blast trying to stop the other team from rippin' your team a new one. I'm gettin' better at it every time I monk it up....I think so anyways.
Used to be my ranger/ele, until I discovered the wonder that is the Illusionary Weaponry mesmer. Unbelievable damage capability, but comparably weak armor keep the build challenging and insanely fun. Seriously, go try it.
Hells Vengeance
Definately ranger. Few reasons. 1. Trapping Underworld (UW) is quite a good build if you have the right party and you only need 5 at the most to have succesful run. 2. Interrupts PvE or PvP 3. Have fun in PvP blinding warriors and just crippling them and just mass trap the path they are going to walk on.
My w/mo cuz of its variations..
Ranger...why? because their leeter than any other profession
Flame me if you will...but in CA i like to play my griefer build
I also like to play as a protect or heal monk because being able to keep me, or anyone else alive no matter the other teams damage, just makes me feel all warm and cuddly.
I also like to play as a protect or heal monk because being able to keep me, or anyone else alive no matter the other teams damage, just makes me feel all warm and cuddly.
The Purple Pants Guy
PvP...can't decide.
PvE, probably my W/N. I just like hammers...
PvE, probably my W/N. I just like hammers...
Ranger, both pvp and pve, for the versatility: can be pure damage, interrupter, trapper, runner, tank, beastmaster.
Now I'm really enjoying a war/necro in random arenas (sword+virulence/plague touch).
I hate w/mo, me/w and n/w. Not all of them, but 9 out of 10 are complete retards.
Now I'm really enjoying a war/necro in random arenas (sword+virulence/plague touch).
I hate w/mo, me/w and n/w. Not all of them, but 9 out of 10 are complete retards.