Awwww! why must everyone complain about the balancing? Even if you complain enough to get everything tweaked to the point that "you" think it's balanced, six months from now, we'll all hopefully have a new chapter and the balancing will be messed up all over again, and then in another six months,

hopefully it'll get messed up again! So basically I hope everyone will just have fun with what they have and live with it. The game is incredibly balanced already. It is possible to counter any build.
Getting a character's skills adjusted after having planned a character to function under certain criteria is rather annoying. Maybe you're one that doesn't plan, in which case re-balancing wouldn't effect you, but for most of us, this is not the case. Sure I don't like looking at the big hairy warrior/monks, but it doesn't bother me either. I'll never be one, but they make good punching bags.

did i just irritate half of the new players who are using warrior/monks? GOOD! I hope so... cause all this balance complaining is irritating me.

Sorry guys, I use to be a big Diablo fan and have came to despite a game that changes my charater after I've already made it.