I just thought I'd share this with you. I'm not completely sure but I think it's looking down at the catacombs in Ashford from the top.
very nice SS, next time if u don't the GUI in the pic press ctr+H before you press the prt scrn button
Cheers for the advice, will do that next time. Seems to be a lot of interesting stuff thats out of the way around Barradins estate.
Another way to get a screen without the GUI is to hold the shift key as you press the Prt Scrn key. This will temporarily remove the GUI long enough to get the screen and you wont see but a flicker of the GUI.
Storm Crow
mines better
Hehe, unfortunately we both included the crappy textures on that very angular rock on the right hand side...
Storm Crow
Originally Posted by Andy_M
Hehe, unfortunately we both included the crappy textures on that very angular rock on the right hand side...
I like that picture, it's one of my favorites
Sum Gai
Wow, I have a 130 hour old char in Presear, since Presear is the best PvE in the game, and I've never ever ever ever seen that. I really must go exploring sometime.
Claire Wolf
Originally Posted by Sum Gai
Wow, I have a 130 hour old char in Presear, since Presear is the best PvE in the game, and I've never ever ever ever seen that. I really must go exploring sometime.
Make a necro.. You'll be in there for a decent time trying to find that necromancer for curses. I love the area with the candles and the nightmares popping up every 5 seconds.. -thumbs up-
i love that place. its a good place to level up with a presear monk or necro. nice screenshot.
Sum Gai
Originally Posted by Claire Wolf
Make a necro.. You'll be in there for a decent time trying to find that necromancer for curses. I love the area with the candles and the nightmares popping up every 5 seconds.. -thumbs up-
Oberan is easy to find, especially if I've done the Charr in the Catacombs quest 43095498709854 times.