High End Forum is for items over 100k?


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005


Gothic Cult


I could have sworn that the high end forum was for items that are or were heading in the direction of 100k^. Have any of you noticed that there are tons of items not even close to this range. Example: -2 enchanted shield..if that is the case I sold mine way to cheap a while back. This almost makes it hard to sell anything that is not close because everyone is looking in the high end for every item and a lot of items belong in the 'reg' sale area. Just thouhgt I would see if anyone else had any ideas.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

In a House...duh

Untouchable Heroes


they do belong there it jut that ppl "think" they are worth 100k or more. We just have to wait for the reality check to hit some ppl then the sell/high-end will become more correct....patience is a virtue



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Knights of the Republic (KOTR)


I agree that there are several items in high end that don't belong, but it is still better than the old sell forums. I think that the buy and sell area is still a work in progress and will get better. They have a limited number of mods and it is a LOT of work to keep up with all the posts in the sell forums.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005


Gothic Cult


True, it is better than it was, its just a shame that ppl will put down a icy longbow that might be worth 10k per say and its in the high end. It will be 2 much work to regulate, from the moderaters, all of the items in MHO. I sell here and dont put anything in the high end unless its close to at least 75k.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

West Coast, USA


I think the majority of people are not good at price checks, including myself, as prices are always fluctuating and/or many of us don't spend hours trading/bartering to be in the know of these things. But if I wanted to sell something that bad I would at least try to do a p.c. in-game first, and then post it on a forum for sale. Not that I've gone to the trouble of posting anything as of yet.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

It is a lot of work. I'd like to see a coding feature that prevents you from posting in your own sell thread for 24 hours, as when I just picked 4 random threads today, they all had to be closed. The best one had a bump time of 3 hours, and the worst was ten minutes!?!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

If it aint expensive, it aint worth buyin'.

Leading/Co-leading Bretheren Of Chaos [Dark]


i'd love to personally screen the high-end forum, and i'd be ruthless with it too...but thats not gunna happen.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

If it aint expensive, it aint worth buyin'.

Leading/Co-leading Bretheren Of Chaos [Dark]


Originally Posted by skynetftw
Trust me, trade forums will be way too hard for you to regulate alone.
Especially when there's like 100+ threads going on in a day, and you'd be able to take ~30 of them if you're really good. speak for yourself.
ive admined at 3 sites, 1 of which was a HIGHLY active forum for my former sc clan (over 120,000 posts over a 2 year timespan with a membership of only 300; so do the math on average posts per day per person [hint: FAR higher than guru])
and i have been a mod at over 2 dozen sites, 3 of which exceeded 30,000 members.
theres about 25 pages to the high-end section, i could probably clean that up in a day, and if you've ever modded for a site before you'd know its NOT difficult to mass-mod a section, especially since most people tend to put the items stats in the title.

edit: only 490 threads in the high-end forums, with a 13 hundred WPM reading speed i guerentee i could clean that up in 24 hours.
as for the regular sell forums...that would be far more difficult, but that wasnt the forum i was talking about...i was talking about high-end...the whole THREAD is talking about high-end. that having been said, when i first signed up fro guru in september i read every single new sell thread that went up every day, and those in the sell forums who remember those first few weeks of my newfound memebrship can verify that i made quite a few bids...to say the least.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Just a note on your math. That's only .547 posts per day per person. That's not very high. Could you take the High End forum anyway? Yes. It's not very big. But with the auction system coming soon, it's not really necessary, I hope.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Sep 2005

If it aint expensive, it aint worth buyin'.

Leading/Co-leading Bretheren Of Chaos [Dark]


Originally Posted by unienaule
That's only .547 posts per day per person. which is, coincidentally, about 10X the average on guru.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

Posts per person per day? Not sure how that accurately reflects anything. Your average of 164 posts a day versus Guru's average of 3016 posts a day. It's a bit different modding and managing 3000 versus a couple hundred.

The problem is not someones ability to "clean up" a forum or what they can accomplish in a short time. It's staying power. The sell forums have a high burn-out rate because of the amount of modding necessary every day and the constant backlash from people who violate rules or just don't bother to read them. I appreciate all the work that the moderators do, and I especially appreciate those who have stuck with it.



Join Date: Nov 2005

No offense, but how much moderating does a forum of 300 people need? After two years, you probably know everyone pretty well as is, and have very little moderating to do. And for the record 3000 posts per day is about 2.08 per minute vs. .11 posts per minute.

Also Quote:
which is, coincidentally, about 10X the average on guru.
That is a totally useless statistic and it was made to seem like it was a big deal.

Originally Posted by Akhilleus
speak for yourself.
ive admined at 3 sites, 1 of which was a HIGHLY active forum for my former sc clan (over 120,000 posts over a 2 year timespan with a membership of only 300; so do the math on average posts per day per person [hint: FAR higher than guru])
and i have been a mod at over 2 dozen sites, 3 of which exceeded 30,000 members.
theres about 25 pages to the high-end section, i could probably clean that up in a day, and if you've ever modded for a site before you'd know its NOT difficult to mass-mod a section, especially since most people tend to put the items stats in the title.

edit: only 490 threads in the high-end forums, with a 13 hundred WPM reading speed i guerentee i could clean that up in 24 hours.
as for the regular sell forums...that would be far more difficult, but that wasnt the forum i was talking about...i was talking about high-end...the whole THREAD is talking about high-end. that having been said, when i first signed up fro guru in september i read every single new sell thread that went up every day, and those in the sell forums who remember those first few weeks of my newfound memebrship can verify that i made quite a few bids...to say the least.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

near SF, CA

I would suggest certain qualifiers for items to fit in the high end forum. Some examples:

-rare item models (crystallines, sephis axes, sickles, orr-staff graphics, ghostly staves, storm bows, eternal bows, flesh horns, eternal shields, magmas shields, etc...)
-rare skin swords, axes, and bows with 15>50 dmg mod AND <=10 requirements
-staves with BOTH casting speed and skill recharge enhancements
-wands with both +5 energy bonuses AND casting/skill recharge bonuses
-shields with both 16 armor AND two listed modifiers (-2 damage while stance/enchanted, -3 hexed, 45 life while enchanted/stance, +29-30 life always, +8 vs. fire/slashing/dwarves/undead, etc...)

Feel free to add to this list.



Did I hear 7 heroes?

Join Date: May 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Guild Leader (Not Recruiting)

Well once the auction system is implemented I'm sure a lot of the problems will go away.