Some things you never knew and don't want to either
3 (not so) fun facts that will ruin your day if you bought either:
- Bloodstained Boots only decrease the casting time of skills with a longer than 5 second casting time. The catch? There aren't any skills that target corpses that fullfill that requirement...
- Someone once calculated that a 10/10 Sundering upgrade (sells for anything between 20-100K) deals exactly 1 extra damage every 10 hits against enemies with 60 armor level.
- Collector item in Droknar's Forge: Improves skill recharge using soul reaping skills (20%). The catch? There are exactly 0 Soul Reaping skills...
- Bloodstained Boots only decrease the casting time of skills with a longer than 5 second casting time. The catch? There aren't any skills that target corpses that fullfill that requirement...
- Someone once calculated that a 10/10 Sundering upgrade (sells for anything between 20-100K) deals exactly 1 extra damage every 10 hits against enemies with 60 armor level.
- Collector item in Droknar's Forge: Improves skill recharge using soul reaping skills (20%). The catch? There are exactly 0 Soul Reaping skills...
the cogno scenti have been laughing about the sundering mod for a long time. I wasn't familiar with those boots though, that's pretty good.
Damon Windwalker
True enough about the boots, from what I've heard. But I like the way they look.
Anyway - I don't think your "news" is anything new...
Anyway - I don't think your "news" is anything new...
10% chance for a little extra damage isn't bad (no matter what the DPS turns out to be) but its inferior to almost everything else. Didnt know about the boots though, I'll try it out.
Isn't armor level (AL) comparable to PERCANTAGE damage reduction. i.e. +40 AL equals 50 PERCENT damage reduction. How does a PERCENTAGE damage modifier get calculated into a FIXED damage amount?!?
I would verify your source for #2.
I would verify your source for #2.
Originally Posted by Damon Windwalker
True enough about the boots, from what I've heard. But I like the way they look.
Anyway - I don't think your "news" is anything new... |
I never said it was news, but few people seem to realise it and I wanted to try crashing the sundering market
Originally Posted by dawnrain
I would verify your source for #2. |
EDIT: according to damage calculator of this site, the bonus gives roughly 10% more damage, once every ten hits... which is very little. More like 2 or 3 points. Maybe someone said 1, based on very high armor in some high level areas..
Originally Posted by dawnrain
Isn't armor level (AL) comparable to PERCANTAGE damage reduction. i.e. +40 AL equals 50 PERCENT damage reduction. How does a PERCENTAGE damage modifier get calculated into a FIXED damage amount?!?
I would verify your source for #2. |
Arcanis the Omnipotent
Average Ranger Bow strike is for 15 or so damage. What's 10% of that?
1.5 Damage added because of the Sundering string. Now that's just the sundering string. Say its a Sundering Horn Bow. Then you're looking at 20% So now its up to an extra 3 damage a hit, if the Sundering string works.
Max Armor Penetration off a bow?
with a string, 60%. Without, 50%.
Horn Bow= 10
Penetrating Shot = 20
Judges Insight = 20
Sundering Bow = 10
Now say everything goes off without a hitch. Max damage and everything.
You're looking at an Attack that will do 48 damage. Big whoop huh? But, every bit helps. Doing 16 an attack instead of 15 would be adding an extra 5 damage every 5 attacks. And that's something that does build up over time. Heck, 1 HP can make all the difference some times.
But that's obviously why Rangers have Preps. Add in RtW, and the percentage values change.
A 15 dmg attack becomes a 24 Damage attack. And the numbers all change. 24 with sundering becomes 26. Horn Sundering becomes 28. The Max Shot becomes 62.
Big change.
1.5 Damage added because of the Sundering string. Now that's just the sundering string. Say its a Sundering Horn Bow. Then you're looking at 20% So now its up to an extra 3 damage a hit, if the Sundering string works.
Max Armor Penetration off a bow?
with a string, 60%. Without, 50%.
Horn Bow= 10
Penetrating Shot = 20
Judges Insight = 20
Sundering Bow = 10
Now say everything goes off without a hitch. Max damage and everything.
You're looking at an Attack that will do 48 damage. Big whoop huh? But, every bit helps. Doing 16 an attack instead of 15 would be adding an extra 5 damage every 5 attacks. And that's something that does build up over time. Heck, 1 HP can make all the difference some times.
But that's obviously why Rangers have Preps. Add in RtW, and the percentage values change.
A 15 dmg attack becomes a 24 Damage attack. And the numbers all change. 24 with sundering becomes 26. Horn Sundering becomes 28. The Max Shot becomes 62.
Big change.
Sereng Amaranth
thank you for the numbers...i've been wondering how all 4 stack for a while...and does the percentage add up or is it stacked? for instance, 2x 20% = 44%
care to create an official table with the progression?
and yes, the bloodstained boots used to work until Anet lowered the minion skill time from 5 to 3 secs...they didnt fix the boots though
care to create an official table with the progression?
and yes, the bloodstained boots used to work until Anet lowered the minion skill time from 5 to 3 secs...they didnt fix the boots though
It's more like 3 damage vs 60 armor every 10 hits (assuming a crit using a max bow).
It more or less comes down to the fact that sundering is a joke. The amount of damage is arguable depending on what math you use, but if you use any math at all, the numbers are still piddly. The benefit is much outweighed by the loss of pretty much any other upgrade you could have otherwise used. I'd come to this conclusion before release.
As to bloodstained boots... That's a new one on me. I did use them with no noticable improvement in cast time though. Another of those quirky little necromancer things.. Like the collector focus that had 20% fast cast and recharge for skills linked to soul reaping. Since there are no soul reaping skills, they might as well have said 20% faster recharge on wood chopping skills. It would have the same effect.
As to bloodstained boots... That's a new one on me. I did use them with no noticable improvement in cast time though. Another of those quirky little necromancer things.. Like the collector focus that had 20% fast cast and recharge for skills linked to soul reaping. Since there are no soul reaping skills, they might as well have said 20% faster recharge on wood chopping skills. It would have the same effect.
It must be a sign of things to come.
I have a good one:
The Vampiric weapons upgrades, you know, the ones selling for 10-30k a piece? The degeneration on them reduces your health by 3 per second, while the most powerful version only gives you back 5 health a hit, and the fastest any weapon is ever capable of getting is around 1 attack every 1.21 seconds, and that's just while you're fighting.
So the only way they can be worth ANYTHING is to load up on as many AoE physicle attacks as possible and change your weapon out whenever you're not fighting. Oh wait, there is only 1 AoE weapon attack per weapon type!
The Vampiric weapons upgrades, you know, the ones selling for 10-30k a piece? The degeneration on them reduces your health by 3 per second, while the most powerful version only gives you back 5 health a hit, and the fastest any weapon is ever capable of getting is around 1 attack every 1.21 seconds, and that's just while you're fighting.
So the only way they can be worth ANYTHING is to load up on as many AoE physicle attacks as possible and change your weapon out whenever you're not fighting. Oh wait, there is only 1 AoE weapon attack per weapon type!
Ashleigh McMahon
Nicely picked out :O
I think soul reaping will become alot more usefull later on.
I think soul reaping will become alot more usefull later on.
Originally Posted by Rikimaru
I have a good one:
The Vampiric weapons upgrades, you know, the ones selling for 10-30k a piece? The degeneration on them reduces your health by 3 per second, while the most powerful version only gives you back 5 health a hit, and the fastest any weapon is ever capable of getting is around 1 attack every 1.21 seconds, and that's just while you're fighting. So the only way they can be worth ANYTHING is to load up on as many AoE physicle attacks as possible and change your weapon out whenever you're not fighting. Oh wait, there is only 1 AoE weapon attack per weapon type! |

vampire weapons are really good for a ranger or ranger secondary, troll ungent overrides the vamp condition and a 5/1 with barrage, keeps you going. Me I prefer to use a conjure ele and just beat them down