Different Factions in Chapter 2
I think that there should be different Factions in Chp. 2, Much like in Wow. In order to make it be compatibal with GW I think there would be Faction areas with cities and such where only members of those factions could be. In the middle of these there would be a large open realm where people would openly fight and claim outposts and such that would grant them bonuses. It would be an ongoing PvP battle that you can openly enter and exit.
good concept, needs refining,
/conditionally signed... concept sounds kool.
/conditionally signed... concept sounds kool.
Pretty cool idea.
Some may say that this is just copying something from WoW, I say it is taking the good things out of an other game in to a perfect game
Pretty cool idea.
Some may say that this is just copying something from WoW, I say it is taking the good things out of an other game in to a perfect game

Arcanis the Omnipotent
There would be no point to Guilds then. If we belonged to factions, its like one giant guild you belong to. And that's just plain stupid. This isnt WoW. If you want that type of game, go play it.
There would be no point to Guilds then. If we belonged to factions, its like one giant guild you belong to. And that's just plain stupid. This isnt WoW. If you want that type of game, go play it.
Fye Duron
I think a sack "the outpost" type of Pvp area would be pretty cool. The rewaed could be a new FoW or UW type area. Were you will have to have control of the out post in order to access the area.
Originally Posted by oOWakleonOo
I think that there should be different Factions in Chp. 2, Much like in Wow. In order to make it be compatibal with GW I think there would be Faction areas with cities and such where only members of those factions could be. In the middle of these there would be a large open realm where people would openly fight and claim outposts and such that would grant them bonuses. It would be an ongoing PvP battle that you can openly enter and exit.
I believe this saves money, and is part of what enables GW to have no monthly fee.
Originally Posted by Arcanis the Omnipotent
No. There would be no point to Guilds then. If we belonged to factions, its like one giant guild you belong to. And that's just plain stupid. This isnt WoW. If you want that type of game, go play it. |
There are many ways to incorporate this kind of system inside the Guild Wars universe. It's not because you are part of a faction that you are all allied together. A faction could be considered almost as a religion. One faction could think that the new kingdom should be a democracy instead of a monarchy and the other could believe that the monarchy has never failed them and should be reused.
I hate how you Guild Wars fanatics will take any idea that even mentions WoW and you'll reply only to say "If you want WoW go play it". A lot of GW ideas were borrowed from WoW. Hell a lot of ANet's staff used to work for Blizzard (and even worked on WoW).
Now, I do think the idea needs a bit of work but I do think factions would give a specific goal to different guilds. Give them a reason to fight one another.
Yes some of ANET's staff did work for blizzard, which is why i hope that they never impliment some of blizz's worse ideas.
Again this game isnt set up to be like World of Warcraft, so why try to change it into that type of game. GW was never ment to have huge raids, town areas controlled by one group, etc.....
if you would like these things then go play Lineage, Dark Ages of Camelot, WoW, etc....
Again this game isnt set up to be like World of Warcraft, so why try to change it into that type of game. GW was never ment to have huge raids, town areas controlled by one group, etc.....
if you would like these things then go play Lineage, Dark Ages of Camelot, WoW, etc....
Only because it's what I had first thought this thread was about; it would be cool if they add new factions like the Balthazaar PvP faction.
Seriously though, I dont like the OP's idea much..

Seriously though, I dont like the OP's idea much..
Originally Posted by MistressYichi
Yes some of ANET's staff did work for blizzard, which is why i hope that they never impliment some of blizz's worse ideas.
Again this game isnt set up to be like World of Warcraft, so why try to change it into that type of game. GW was never ment to have huge raids, town areas controlled by one group, etc..... if you would like these things then go play Lineage, Dark Ages of Camelot, WoW, etc.... |