Let the buyer beware

Destinys Soul

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2005

Kansas City



Well I learned a little lesson tonight. I was making a trade with a guy named [REMOVED]. He showed me 2 Eternal Shields. One was Req 8 (35K) and the other was Req 10 (25K). I told him I wanted the Req 8 and I put the 35K into the trade window. I know beyond all doubt is was 35K since we were at the storage and I withdrew it and had exactly 35K in my inventory. After the trade I had 0. After the trade was complete I realized he had given me the Req 10. I immediately told him. But he refused to give the right one back. He tried to sell me the 35K one again instead. After getting very angry at him he then insisted I only gave him 30K. OK fine, thats 5K more than what the Req10 was selling for. Then when someone interviened after I started spamming he had scammed me he insisted that I only gave him 25K. After that person left he tried to say I only gave him 20K. Finally another person stepped in and I said to heck with it and gave him 25K more for the Req8.

The bottom line here is...watch your trade window and make sure youre getting what you paid for.

The line below the bottom one....Dont buy from [REMOVED]. Yes it was my mistake for not double checking, but he had the opprotunity to make it right and refused to do so.

Divine Elemental

Divine Elemental

Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Near Your House

I Used To Own [ IUTO ]

Check Before You Trade
[Pwned By Stupidity ]
You Should Have Checked, Once Its Traded Its A Done Dealiyo



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Xen of Onslaught [XoO] Xen Of Heroes Division

Right, like we need another person to say he did wrong. He knows he messed up, and he's just warning others to make sure. No need for the laugh in your face attitude.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Super Anti Rabbit Squad [SARS]


You can just check the chat log and see how much was traded and use all the log to report the player to anet for scamming.

You shouldn't really post other players names on here.




Join Date: Jun 2005

Somewhere between Boardwalk and Park Place

You didn't need to post this twice.
