Weapon Dye?
I tried searching the forums and came up with nothing. I have an axe that I can dye purple, but can't dye silver or red (the only colors i've tried so far). Do any of you know of any other weapons that are like that - or is there a chart in existance that shows what colors each weapon can take?
Fyre Brand
Well there are more threads on this than I came up with. Maybe when the forums got reorganized something got lost or my searching skills just suck the galactic banana, but I had a hard time finding the thread I wanted on this. Anyways here are a couple threads that might help you on your way to an answer.
Thread "Dying Weapons?": Dying Weapons - by GoblinBoy
Thread "The PINK Warrior": The PINK Warrior - by Ultimate Warrior
Also try doing an a search of all forums (I always use advanced search) of dye mixing or something similar. My searches were "dyeing weapons" and "dyeing chaos axe". Good luck.
Thread "Dying Weapons?": Dying Weapons - by GoblinBoy
Thread "The PINK Warrior": The PINK Warrior - by Ultimate Warrior
Also try doing an a search of all forums (I always use advanced search) of dye mixing or something similar. My searches were "dyeing weapons" and "dyeing chaos axe". Good luck.
I searched for "weapon dye" so thanks for rounding up those two links. They do touch on the subject of coloring your weapons...
Here's a shot of my axe after I dyed it purple. Like I said before, dying the same axe red or silver (or applying dye remover) all returned it to it's normal "tan" look.
Oh well... a red haft would have been nice... =(
Here's a shot of my axe after I dyed it purple. Like I said before, dying the same axe red or silver (or applying dye remover) all returned it to it's normal "tan" look.
Oh well... a red haft would have been nice... =(