I noticed in the buy/sell forum section, almost all the posts are for axe, sword, hammer, shield, and bow. Hardly any staffs! I was wondering why and if anyone has any input. I'm looking to buy and I'm having a hard time. Thanks!
Isaac Ixbane
Buying and Selling: Why Mostly Warrior/Ranger Weapons? I WTB Staffs!
Staffs are exceedingly hard to price, especially due to the very very good staffs that are collector's items. To me, other than the permanent energy rods or those with unusual skins, it's really hard to find a buyer for many of those items.
sad yet simple answer - not many people have the patience to play a caster. they want right up front to "smash", "kill", "clobber" things. That and many newcommers to the game will pick a warrior thinking that dmg is always the best way to go.
Most farming spots produce weapons because the mobs are melee based. Farming spellcasting mobs takes more time and effort than its worth.
There is no demand for most caster golds since they suck. Plus green and collector items have a lock on the caster item market.
The only staffs really worth selling are rare skinned staffs with both global fast cast and global recharge.
The only staffs really worth selling are rare skinned staffs with both global fast cast and global recharge.
imo bow types actually make a difference and warrior weapons and bows are actually used to fight, unlike staffs and wands, their main purpose is to give energy etc
With staffs there really isn't too much variation on what people want, green items cover nearly all the bonuses you'd want and there just arn't any rare skins or types of staffs that people will pay through the nose for apart from Ghostly and even then IMO they don't look that good.
Casters are lucky that they can get such good items that they don't have to worry about spending a 100k upgradng.
Casters are lucky that they can get such good items that they don't have to worry about spending a 100k upgradng.
Anything over 100k is purely looks and not utility driven. As such, there is a lot more variety in skins for weapons and shields as opposed to staffs.