Yes look at the super godly stats...
it does absolutely nothing, how wonderful if you dont believe me just messege me in game"Alexander Valentine", i will be keeping it as a suvenier.
Godly Staff Wrapping
looking at the shot it looks like it bugging, under Upgrade component there is a little line :P i could be wrong..
I have the same thing. I got it from salvaging a WHITE staff with 2 lines of upgrades. I think it's a bug. I'm going to find a staff to try it on, because noone's buying it from me anyway.
dtach, i have those lines also, that just magically appeared, if you know anyone that knows how to fix it, please tell me.
Yeah mine come and go, but those lines never stay. Just seems like a random bug to me happens when im in lions arch and lots of people are talking, probobly because of lag.