Need some newbie advice



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Dec 2005


So my current character is my first character, a Mo/Me, and i dont plan on doing PvP with him. What I want to do is UW/FoW runs with friends and random parties. I want to just be a healer,100% healing. So I have a bunch of questions on what i should do.

1)how should I arange my attribute points?
2)what skills should i use?(and if nescesary,how do i use them properly?)
and 3) what forge armor should i use?(i was thinking tats,for all the extra energy)



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005



well... since this is for PvE... u don't have to worry about being a primary target

so maybe go 16 Healing and 15 DF... doesn't matter if ur using two sup runes cause they won't be hitting ya :P

wear full ascetic... don't need the extra armor... just stack up on energy

orison, seed, rebirth, blessed, etc... standard healing skills