I just farming griffons now, but im pretty boring on that, cause always the same thing isnt that great and the drops arent 'that' good.
Sometimes a max gold weapon, but almost its just griffon wings or max weapons with bad bonusses or high req.
Whats another good farming spot where I can farm big groups at once and where are the better drops ?
Farming trolls outside droknars even give me bad drops, cause a griffon wing is worth a lot more then what they drop, or do they drop better weapons with better bonus if they drop some gold ?
Or is the gold weapon drop with nearly perfect bonusses just random ?
Please help me out, cause i need more farming spots to kill my time without getting bored
Boring on farming.
Cyron Blade
You could try farming ettins, or farm UW or FoW by urself..
Use search.
Search: Key Word(s): farming, spot
Search: Key Word(s): farming, spot