The ai goes after the weakest armor level, and monk going first in line of lowest armor level... the thing is... monks/ele's should just stand back, like they're suppose to... you know... act smart... but oh yea... let's just blame the ai for having a purpose... let's blame the ai for being "smart" when all it does is exploit your stupidity... stand back, they wont phase you... if you've ever watched... they normaly run a little past the warriors, to check for monk (by getting your circle into the red dot, they'll go after you, rather then the warrior), but if they run that little bit past the warriors, and dont see a monk/lower armor lvl... they'll attack the warrior...
**bottom line, blame yourself, not the ai.**
Originally Posted by zemelett
while we are disin' on the code, have you healer monks noticed that the code for item drops must be something like this;
if (player == healer monk) dont assign any items. or maybe perhaps it like this if (damage == 0 or less than warrior) dont assign any items. It pisses me off that #1 if a player on a team dies its the monks fault, #2 the monk is by far one of the hardest classes to play #3 a teams success in most missions is strictly dependent on the skill of the monk; and yet because we do the least ammount of dmg to the enemies becuase we are always healing our teammates but yet we don't get near the ammout of item drops. Its bloody irritating. |