Bought GW 2 weeks ago.
It looks like a great game if I get time to play it
But Liniage 2 been take up all my gameing last week there is was a great event and I just turned 35 and this week C3 comes out.
I have to work 8hrs a day
And to top it off the the weather is geting great today it's sunny 20 degrees!
Why couldn't they relese this game around october-november
I want to play this game but I have a choise quit my job quit lineage or stay inside when durring the short summer
I got GW and don't have time to play it
Or use Ferinheight. 20 degrees. Crazy Rest of the World besides the US and Liberia.
Principa Discordia
Celsius > Farenheight. Why wouldn't anyone use celcius? Water freezes at 0c, water boils at 100c. Simple and effective.
To the original poster; Sorry that you can't play, but count yourself lucky. Some of us have no lives.
To the original poster; Sorry that you can't play, but count yourself lucky. Some of us have no lives.
i have no life and play all day (free time actually, i have school and hw)
Celsius > Farenheight. Why wouldn't anyone use celcius? Water freezes at 0c, water boils at 100c. Simple and effective. |
Also to the original poster. Least you have to game. I gotta wait about a week. And thats dependant on my family members(birthday).