Energy bonus on FoW druid's armor leggings
Does anyone know what the energy bonus on the FoW druid's armor leggings is? Is it +1 like it used to be for the 15k armor before it got fixed (guildwiki also says +1), or is it +2 like the regular druid's armor?
It has the same stats as the 15k Version (and the 1.5k version, i guess).
It has the same stats as the 15k Version (and the 1.5k version, i guess).
it should i was always told and experienced that FoW is same as droks, citadel, + grotts ... just looks dif
i don't see why they wouldn't have updated the leggings...
Thanks for the answers, I was just wondering about it because guildwiki has it as +1 energy and the 15k druids armor on my Ranger also still is only +1 (new ones are +2 though).