15k Tormentor's armor. [Renamed]
super dooper
Originally Posted by Genevieve Corbiere
And the people who say it looks just like the droks armour. Wow. Get your eyes checked.
when referring to the female armor, it does not look much different. (I think most of the people saying it looks very similar are referring to the female version, not the male..)
Genevieve Corbiere
Originally Posted by super dooper
when referring to the female armor, it does not look much different. (I think most of the people saying it looks very similar are referring to the female version, not the male..)
I don't think it looks like droks armour. But of course everyone has their opinion, and some people just like to complain, to complain. I think the opinion is wrong, and it isn't like we're paying them to play this game either, so you get what you pay for basically. They're getting ready for too much for it to be extravagant. I just say suck it up, and deal with it. People sitting around saying they didn't put too much effort into it is dumb, seeing as how they really don't know how much time they put into it.
If you don't like it, don't get it. If you have it, then, oops.
If you don't like it, don't get it. If you have it, then, oops.
super dooper
Originally Posted by Genevieve Corbiere
I don't think it looks like droks armour. But of course everyone has their opinion, and some people just like to complain, to complain. I think the opinion is wrong, and it isn't like we're paying them to play this game either, so you get what you pay for basically. They're getting ready for too much for it to be extravagant. I just say suck it up, and deal with it. People sitting around saying they didn't put too much effort into it is dumb, seeing as how they really don't know how much time they put into it.
If you don't like it, don't get it. If you have it, then, oops. well, not exactly like the droknar's armor, but I posted a full quality comparison of the chest piece a page back and well.. you can decide from then. I suppose people shouldn't complain (not that I was in the first place :P) same thing happened with the 15k male gladiator armor, and now I see it the most! maybe it'll grow on people like the others did..
I was hoping it'd be a bit more spikey or steel-like (kinda like the males I guess?), due to the deld. steel. As it stands the miniscule differences don't cover the deld. steel cost.. (lol, okay fine I'm being nit-picky :P)
If you don't like it, don't get it. If you have it, then, oops. well, not exactly like the droknar's armor, but I posted a full quality comparison of the chest piece a page back and well.. you can decide from then. I suppose people shouldn't complain (not that I was in the first place :P) same thing happened with the 15k male gladiator armor, and now I see it the most! maybe it'll grow on people like the others did..
I was hoping it'd be a bit more spikey or steel-like (kinda like the males I guess?), due to the deld. steel. As it stands the miniscule differences don't cover the deld. steel cost.. (lol, okay fine I'm being nit-picky :P)
Sagius Truthbarron
I think they look great. The pictures the OP posted are terrible.
Genevieve Corbiere
Originally Posted by super dooper
well, not exactly like the droknar's armor, but I posted a full quality comparison of the chest piece a page back and well.. you can decide from then. I suppose people shouldn't complain (not that I was in the first place :P) same thing happened with the 15k male gladiator armor, and now I see it the most! maybe it'll grow on people like the others did..
I was hoping it'd be a bit more spikey or steel-like (kinda like the males I guess?), due to the deld. steel. As it stands the miniscule differences don't cover the deld. steel cost.. (lol, okay fine I'm being nit-picky :P) No they didn't change the shoulders or anything on the 15k, but if you look at the chest pieces, there's a pretty big difference.
And I wasn't saying you were complaining, was speaking in general. I saw a lot of posts saying ugh omg disappointment, blahhhh. i dunno. if i was a designer and i saw that, i know i sure as hell wouldn't put any effort into anything if people are just gonna "dog" it.
I was hoping it'd be a bit more spikey or steel-like (kinda like the males I guess?), due to the deld. steel. As it stands the miniscule differences don't cover the deld. steel cost.. (lol, okay fine I'm being nit-picky :P) No they didn't change the shoulders or anything on the 15k, but if you look at the chest pieces, there's a pretty big difference.


Compared to some choices it's more dramatic of a difference (monks were already mentioned) and often there's simply just more detail and it's more dye-able. Yes you will be dissapointed if you were part of the 6 month march but honestly, did you expect them to blow away all other armor upgrades?
Then what's next? All the other classes march

I've seen enough to denote the difference, both armors get more detailed for each sex, it's another option. No-one made you pony up the steel

I still think the biggest shame is you see often much more interesting armors from NPCs, some of the enemies.. I hope chapter 2 really adds some armor love. Wouldnt be bad with a few more stat options too (ele mana armor!)
Nawn Centz
Originally Posted by lofblad
The IronWarrior
I've got this armor and like it. Mine is dyed all black, making the rear torso appear like you've got a spider on your back.
Granted, the new ele armors look more different to their Droks versions, but this really isn't that bad. I'm typically wearing Droks scars on the torso anyways and switch legs according to my build and these boots look pretty cool. I'm happy that we finally got these done and look forward to more armors with Chapter 2.
Granted, the new ele armors look more different to their Droks versions, but this really isn't that bad. I'm typically wearing Droks scars on the torso anyways and switch legs according to my build and these boots look pretty cool. I'm happy that we finally got these done and look forward to more armors with Chapter 2.
Genevieve Corbiere
Originally Posted by Nawn Centz
You don't understand that this armor was in the game when it was released. It's not our faults that it wasn't updated at the time. Why release the game when it's not done? Now bug fixes, nerfs, etc. I can understand. But this is armor that was put into the game not finished, now after about 7 months of waiting.. it looks like they got the janitor to design it. Big dissapoint imo. They fixed bugs with spiteful spirit, so necros can't be mad forever.
Who said it wasn't a done game by their standards? Maybe when they released it, they didn't think people would make such a huge deal about armour.
It's pretty obvious you can't make everyone happy. I'm not a game designer myself and I'm sure over half of you aren't. Until you bring out a game yourself, and make however much money off the game you design and put out yourself, I don't think anyone really should complain about designs. But that's just me.
I guess I should stop responding on this one. haha.
It's pretty obvious you can't make everyone happy. I'm not a game designer myself and I'm sure over half of you aren't. Until you bring out a game yourself, and make however much money off the game you design and put out yourself, I don't think anyone really should complain about designs. But that's just me.
I guess I should stop responding on this one. haha.

Looks the same? Hey guys do you need to wear glasses? Just take a Screen of female Tormentor 1.5k and 15k, then you'll see its beauty!
left: 1.5k - right: 15k
What a beauty!
left: 1.5k - right: 15k
What a beauty!
Originally Posted by chris_nin00
Maybe it glows in the dark guys
haha that would be the coolest set of armor EVER!
and they do look diffrent....1.5k and 15k...now that I see the pics...

and they do look diffrent....1.5k and 15k...now that I see the pics...
Death Approacher
Originally Posted by BeatWolf
This armor has obviously been flamed to f*ck because it's took ages to come out and you guys all excpect an amazing set of armor.
It's just another 15k set for god sake, give it a break. It's not going to be amazing is it.
i agree wtf were you ppl thinking that it would be perfect like fissure its just another boring 15k armor
It's just another 15k set for god sake, give it a break. It's not going to be amazing is it.
i agree wtf were you ppl thinking that it would be perfect like fissure its just another boring 15k armor
Yay finaly everyone will stop complaining!
SHINANAGANS *cough* anyways, after seeing it more i have to say its at least better looking then necro FoW
Slade xTekno
It's shenanigans!
If you're going to use a word just because everyone else is, at least spell it right.
It looks ok, but I expected more after this amount of time.
If you're going to use a word just because everyone else is, at least spell it right.
It looks ok, but I expected more after this amount of time.
Yech. <--- the shattered dreams of a necro
I'd take any 1.5/15k Necro armor over the Monk selections. Our choices make us look like zebra-striped Egyptian peasants, really low-ranking White Mantle Priests, or trapeze artists too poor for sequins.
If the devs would have made the 15k Tormentor armor drop dead amazing, with spiffyness out the wazoo, then everyone else would start complaining how Necro's are getting special uber looking armor because it's late.
From some of the comparison posts, it looks like a decent update, the armor doesn't stand out, but it shouldn't, compared to the other 15k sets.
From some of the comparison posts, it looks like a decent update, the armor doesn't stand out, but it shouldn't, compared to the other 15k sets.
Originally Posted by Slade xTekno
It's shenanigans!
If you're going to use a word just because everyone else is, at least spell it right.
It looks ok, but I expected more after this amount of time. hmmm i have some print outs of funny pranks and its spelled shinanagans on there, not my fault if i spell it wrong by proxy
anyways, i believe i was the first to say it on this thread
If you're going to use a word just because everyone else is, at least spell it right.
It looks ok, but I expected more after this amount of time. hmmm i have some print outs of funny pranks and its spelled shinanagans on there, not my fault if i spell it wrong by proxy
anyways, i believe i was the first to say it on this thread
I really like the male version.
In all honesty I sort of have to agree. I really like the detail but when i saw it ingame i dunno. It just looked too similar to really notice. It's like the 15k geomancer set.. but with that at least the relatively small differences were noticable (mostly the dye)..
It's nice. I'm glad i got bonelace though.
In all honesty I sort of have to agree. I really like the detail but when i saw it ingame i dunno. It just looked too similar to really notice. It's like the 15k geomancer set.. but with that at least the relatively small differences were noticable (mostly the dye)..
It's nice. I'm glad i got bonelace though.
why do all the female necros have such white skin >.<
anyways, i dont like 1.5k or 15k female tormentors, but 15k male is pimp.
anyways, i dont like 1.5k or 15k female tormentors, but 15k male is pimp.
I think it is a little too cluttered to be really stylish. When they made the 15K druid's armour, they went the other way (making a hoola girl costume that will only be attractive to guys), so I guess that when Gaile walked across the hall to beg the devs to stop working on chapter 2 for a minute and come up with something cool for with that missing armour (as there were people protesting en masse on the forums and in the game even), they wanted to make it it 'special' and cool, coming up with something a little cluttered and Kitschy. It is not that bad, really.
Still, thanks Anet, it is another armour-look option and it doesn't look bad. But try to remember this old saying: Less is more.
Why do all necro's have to have white skin? Because the necro thing is very much a Goth thing maybe? (And Goth girls don't like sunbathing)
Still, thanks Anet, it is another armour-look option and it doesn't look bad. But try to remember this old saying: Less is more.
Why do all necro's have to have white skin? Because the necro thing is very much a Goth thing maybe? (And Goth girls don't like sunbathing)

evox the evil
i personally haven't seen the old tormentors so i cant say which one's better but i like all the screenie's looks on everyone. and hi raz

The differences are too minute for there to be 10X the cost (+ materials)
On almost any other forum and from people who have seen the armor ingame, most agree that the MALE model this time got better off.
The female is worse, but here...
... people did post good pictures early on, and people got to the other conclusion that female armor is again the better offer.
The female is worse, but here...
... people did post good pictures early on, and people got to the other conclusion that female armor is again the better offer.

Murder In China
Again, it's based on individual opinion and taste.
Slade xTekno
Originally Posted by Roza
I think it is a little too cluttered to be really stylish. When they made the 15K druid's armour, they went the other way (making a hoola girl costume that will only be attractive to guys), so I guess that when Gaile walked across the hall to beg the devs to stop working on chapter 2 for a minute and come up with something cool for with that missing armour (as there were people protesting en masse on the forums and in the game even), they wanted to make it it 'special' and cool, coming up with something a little cluttered and Kitschy. It is not that bad, really.
Still, thanks Anet, it is another armour-look option and it doesn't look bad. But try to remember this old saying: Less is more.
Why do all necro's have to have white skin? Because the necro thing is very much a Goth thing maybe? (And Goth girls don't like sunbathing)
"Less is more" applies more to how a woman dresses than a man. If a guy is trying to get a look, they look for one more piece to add, whild if girl is trying to get a look, they will remove one piece that distracts from the rest. I think this is why the male's looks good and the female's doesn't.
Still, thanks Anet, it is another armour-look option and it doesn't look bad. But try to remember this old saying: Less is more.
Why do all necro's have to have white skin? Because the necro thing is very much a Goth thing maybe? (And Goth girls don't like sunbathing)

i dont say this alot, but... blegh... i dont see the "15k" worth of it.
Why do all necro's have to have white skin?
What would you expect?! They drain themselves of their blood every second spell!
I like the look of the new armor. The details on the chest piece looks good.
Bah! Had my heart set on 15K Necrotic for my female necro, but this has now caused a rethink... Oh well, at least I have plenty of time to decide, as I still need to save up... and most importantly, also get there. *sigh* So far away...
Bah! Had my heart set on 15K Necrotic for my female necro, but this has now caused a rethink... Oh well, at least I have plenty of time to decide, as I still need to save up... and most importantly, also get there. *sigh* So far away...

Fear The Destroyer
It looks pretty decent. It doesn't look that different than 1.5k Tormentor's.
my least favorite of the 15k, close to bonelace, but better looking then FoW
james pavlak
its ok
james pavlak
not the beast thou
james pavlak
best srry
james pavlak
its pretty stupid for 15k thou
james pavlak
15k is a l o t
15k is not all that much, all my chars make their own gold for the armor, not by farming but by picking up everything that is dropped by monsters
Originally Posted by Hiryu
What would you expect?! They drain themselves of their blood every second spell!
You could say that buy you could try to read a book if you know what it is.
What necromancers actually are where they come from...
This is not something created by blizzard... (d2)
What necromancers actually are where they come from...
This is not something created by blizzard... (d2)
Originally Posted by twistedbehind
You could say that buy you could try to read a book if you know what it is.
What necromancers actually are where they come from...
This is not something created by blizzard... (d2) i think he's talking about gw necromancers, and not your so called "real" necromancers from books and whatnot.
What necromancers actually are where they come from...
This is not something created by blizzard... (d2) i think he's talking about gw necromancers, and not your so called "real" necromancers from books and whatnot.