Please enlighten me.
I am under the assumption that diferent spells can stack which cause the same effect ( ie: mending/healing breeze)
I also assume that like spells do not stack.
The question is possible overwrite.
If say I cast healing breeze on myself and then a partied monk casts breeze on me, will the monk spell most recently cast overwrite mine? or will the monk spell be ignored? or will the higher of the two breezes stick?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Spell Stacking
Healing Breeze's do NOT stack - if you cast breeze, then a Monk does, the one the monk casted will be the one on you.
hmm what about two different skills I know that if you conjur/syphon someone then the degens will stack just like a poison/bleed/conjur/syphon will stack (and hurt) Would a mending breeze shield of regen work the same way?
The maximum health degen is 10 pips (those little arrows on your health bar) so say you use a lvl 12 blood magic Life Transfer and Life Siphon, those degens would stack to give someone -10 pips, now the monk casts something like healing breeze (at some lvl) to give +8 pips, the net is -2, now you can cast suffering or conjure phantasm (2+5) so now the enemy is back at -9 pips - the two extremes are -10 and +10. So, if someone used Mending for +3 and healing breeze for +8, they would only have +10.
Thanks again Goku.
It is like I figured except that now I must be concerned that a party member or a henchman doesnt overwrite my healing breeze with a weaker one.
This reminds me of D2 and the Barb BO skill.
It should be that the highest level spell sticks, not the most previously cast.
It is like I figured except that now I must be concerned that a party member or a henchman doesnt overwrite my healing breeze with a weaker one.
This reminds me of D2 and the Barb BO skill.
It should be that the highest level spell sticks, not the most previously cast.
Well, the new one also begins a new duration timer.
True True
All enchantments and hexes run in parrallel. When you have multiple copies on you, the strongest version will always be the active one. So say you cast a lvl 12 healing breeze on yourself. You'll have 8 pips of regen. 5 seconds later, the monk hench casts a lvl 0 healing breeze on you. You'll stay a 8 pips. After another 5 seconds, your healing breeze will wear off, and the monk henches will be the highest lvl one on you, so you'll get 3 pips of regen for the next 5 secodns, until the monk henches copy runs out.
Note that some like shatter enchantment will remove all copies of a single enchantment on you, so you can't stack the same enchantment to protect it.
Note that some like shatter enchantment will remove all copies of a single enchantment on you, so you can't stack the same enchantment to protect it.
Now that makes more sense. I think I fully understand now.
They don't stack but run parallel to each other.
Nice heads up on the shatter enchants. Thanks Pharalon.
They don't stack but run parallel to each other.
Nice heads up on the shatter enchants. Thanks Pharalon.