Build-Switch Buttons
Mathias Deathwater
I had this really random idea once while I was switching my build around for the millionth time, what if there were tabs you could enable to switch between your builds, kind of like the weapon set tabs we already have? It would change your skillset and your attribute points, and any builds that you can't access due to changing your secondary would be greyed out. You would still have to change any equipment yourself, but this would save people who use different builds to do different things a whole lot of time.
Lasher Dragon
This too has been requested quite a bit, and I really wish they would bring it in. At the very least it would be nice if you could save skillbar setups.
Battle Torn
Yes, please serch for this as it have been suggested too many times. Best suggestions so far was to be able toggle your skills and attribute points with one click and maybe also your armour.
Doctor Death
/signed again in blood
/signed again in blood
I would love to save time and switch from one build to the other without losing so much time.
Saving your build/attribute/weapon sets would be awesome ^_^
I would love to save time and switch from one build to the other without losing so much time.
Saving your build/attribute/weapon sets would be awesome ^_^