a weird white box... Is santa in there?
Look at these..
u think thats where santa's been hiding?
u think thats where santa's been hiding?
lol thats an error on your end i believe, it's quite common, when you restart the game it should repair it.
Storm Crow
INVASION OF THE TOFFUUUUU!!!!!1!1111!!!!oneone
It just me or does the new tormentors look like they rushed it
I mean cmon, a white square?
It just me or does the new tormentors look like they rushed it
I mean cmon, a white square?
Lol, i like the way you was kneeling to it and stuff.. you think santa will pop out if you /kneel?
Claire Wolf
/beg rather... I want my damn christmas presents.-smirks- I think people will kidnap the frog if they don't decorate... Droknars Forge with a giant christmas tree Ftw.
Killer Twinblade
im phsycic and im gonna guess how much plat u had at the moment in storage the time u took the pic. *hums mystical hum* 110 platinum
Random white box thread number 1,000, we salute you....
the magical tofu sqaures are spreading like the black plague. hurry and disconnect your internet access
Stop making threads about white boxes! I've seen atleast 1000! WHITE BOXES ARENT NEW OR COOL GLITCHES STOP TRYING TO MAKE IT SOUND COOL!
monseir, i have been trying for months to get people to stop making stupid threads... it doesnt work
so now if i see a thread i think is stupid, i just make really stupid comments noone can respond to
so now if i see a thread i think is stupid, i just make really stupid comments noone can respond to
Victory Gaint
hey im santa.....hunt me down and look at my greatness in-game
Mr D J
Originally Posted by Killer Twinblade
im phsycic and im gonna guess how much plat u had at the moment in storage the time u took the pic. *hums mystical hum* 110 platinum
and three stacks of ecto
Jiao Yang
Now you wouldn't believe it but that while box is ACTUALLY the Xun Lai Agent's dressing room! (Woo)