The "Apple" Traders at LA Dist 1... 24/7
Anyone know what the deal is with these ppl? Red Apple, Yellow Apple, Apple and Orange, Miss Apple... seems one or two of them is selling at Lions Arch Dist1 24/7... If they are ALWAYS selling, when do they find the time to farm these items?
Also, have heard that one or more of them scams buyers from time to time; but I have not had a first-hand experience.
Just seems weird... anyone know anything?
Also, have heard that one or more of them scams buyers from time to time; but I have not had a first-hand experience.
Just seems weird... anyone know anything?
A friend of mine told me that they're the one who make the money to give to their boss who then sales it on ebay.
Never seen them on an european district, we have one member of guild [LOVE] that is constantly online running up to people and saying 'you buy' he seem to be in every city or he's stalking me.
If they are there full time they're either dedicated trader types buying and selling, or "shop fronts" for a group of farmers (possibly from bots/industrial farming group)
Yeah I've seen the [LOVE] guild ones a lot at Augury euro districts...
Yeah I've seen the [LOVE] guild ones a lot at Augury euro districts...
Originally Posted by Dicedoutelite
A friend of mine told me that they're the one who make the money to give to their boss who then sales it on ebay.
If unsure, best left alone.
Big Apple is the one who followed me one day from city to city.. dont ask how... Finally I said I would report this person if they do not stop coming to me. The next message I got was telling me this person and friends would kill my family... What kind of sick shit is this? Since then they are always in LA, anything with an Apple in it. Everytime I enter LA 1, one of them approaches me wanting to trade... every single time. They cant ever form whole sentences, its always... You want, You buy, You need? Each time I report them, nothing happens.
I've noticed them in Augury rock international district too.
If you are getting hassle, just add them to your ignore list.
If you are getting hassle, just add them to your ignore list.
They're just farmers. The people on the other end are just simply trying to make a living.
lol, i see red apple, im at la dsit1 (went there just to see the apple traders =D). though i realsied he aint selling anyhting, onli standing there.
Even sweatshop farmers need a bathrom break once in a while.
The were probably getting new inventory or transfering the gold to the ebay/virgoods accounts for resale.
The were probably getting new inventory or transfering the gold to the ebay/virgoods accounts for resale.
The Apple people farm outside Fisherman's Haven. I don't know WHAT they farm, but they do runs over and over again there. Normally Yellow Apple and Apple and Orange
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by OxoZoso
Anyone know what the deal is with these ppl?
We instead have people with 'love' or 'kiss' or some variation thereof in the name. If you see one of these guys just standing still, you're probably seeing a mule.
(to the apologists & nitpickers who'll now jump me: no not everyone with love or kiss in the name is a bot/pro farmer, just like not everyone with the word 'apple' in the name is, and no, I'm still not a racist. Get a life.)
I dont give a sh!t what they are doing or who for, the fact is you dont tell people things like.. .Ill kill your family. If you did that face to face, youd go to jail. Even in a gaming environment this should not be tolerated. I can ignore them, but there are many many more names I dont know. My ignore list would be longer than my friends list.
Lord Mendes
we have F A T H E R in europ dist who is in the guild LOVE. (LA english dist 1 24/7)
goes up to people shows them his stuff and says "You buy" or "You need" on main chat.
i started telling him not to do that but he just ignored me
i dont think he understands english lol
he also randomly shows u some unidentified weapons and says "10 ok"
goes up to people shows them his stuff and says "You buy" or "You need" on main chat.
i started telling him not to do that but he just ignored me
i dont think he understands english lol
he also randomly shows u some unidentified weapons and says "10 ok"
On those that run up to you and propose a trade - a little tip - I actually submitted offers on as low as 1K to these guys, and half of the time they actually accept it.
Try it and you might get a nice bargain.
Try it and you might get a nice bargain.
Yup Lord Mendes thats the LOVE member i was talking about but didn't post his character name.
I'm sure he follows me from town to town.
I'm sure he follows me from town to town.
Sereng Amaranth
I propose to extend the Ignore List cap from 10 to unlimited.
Some of the names are hilarious, though unfortunately I can't post any due to the rules of the forum.
I tried to buy Ecto from this one guy (or girl), and when I tried to confirm the price (12k per Ecto at the time) all I got was things like "you buy ok".
Me: "That'll be 24k then, yes?"
Shady Character: "you buy"
Me: "Yes, I'll buy two."
Shady Character: "you buy ok"
Me: "Okay."
Shady Character: "you want ok"
Me: "Yes, okay, I want two Globs of Ectoplasm please."
Shady Character: "you buy ok"
Me: "Oh look, Ecto for 1g a piece, deal's off."
I tried to buy Ecto from this one guy (or girl), and when I tried to confirm the price (12k per Ecto at the time) all I got was things like "you buy ok".
Me: "That'll be 24k then, yes?"
Shady Character: "you buy"
Me: "Yes, I'll buy two."
Shady Character: "you buy ok"
Me: "Okay."
Shady Character: "you want ok"
Me: "Yes, okay, I want two Globs of Ectoplasm please."
Shady Character: "you buy ok"
Me: "Oh look, Ecto for 1g a piece, deal's off."
Divinus Stella
I'm gettin pretty sick of these chinese traders atm, just stading in LA and some mo/w runs up to you and shows me some unid shit and starts saying things like "ok ok buy 30k", theres a load of those chinese things called "kitmao" then a letter after it, like "Kitmao D" etc, i think these chinese traders should be booted from EU districts, they dont offer anything useful. they dont play the game, even when you see them in missions they are 55hp monks that just die and let everyone else do the mission. if they all got banned it stop 50% of the spam in the major cities.
I even get spam via PM's. i get that VIRgoods advert every 4-5hrs giving me a URL incase i want to buy guild wars money porbably farmed by some sad chinese people.
I even get spam via PM's. i get that VIRgoods advert every 4-5hrs giving me a URL incase i want to buy guild wars money porbably farmed by some sad chinese people.
This isn't me. Just for the record :P
Divinus Stella
Ah slag i just saw you in LA about 10min ago :P in the secret beach place.
I'm sure youve noticed these chinese spammers in LA aswel, especially the great spammer himself "Hao Ww", once he starts his spam he wont stop.
I'm sure youve noticed these chinese spammers in LA aswel, especially the great spammer himself "Hao Ww", once he starts his spam he wont stop.
Yeah, i saw your name there and though "HANG ON" :P
I've seen a lot of chinese spammers yeah, especially at augury int. districts...
I've seen a lot of chinese spammers yeah, especially at augury int. districts...
Too much flaming/posting names. Closed.