Dunno about you all but I enjoy playing a Necro, but get majorly hacked off with the sever lack of upgradable weapons. Yes, there are staffs to upgrade, but I prefer the one handed weapons, leaving the other hand for an energy item.
But there are no upgrades for 1 handed weapons. You could have better grips or added spikes for truncheons.
Just some plus plus' would be nice
Any other quarms about missing wepaons?
Krytan Explorer
Join Date: Oct 2005
16 Dec 2005 at 15:43 - 2
This is what green items are for.
2 Handed weapons are still better IMO.
Forge Runner
Join Date: Jun 2005
Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]
16 Dec 2005 at 15:48 - 3
All 1 handed items should be able to use one upgrade mod.
The Infinite Representation Of Pie And Its Many Brilliances
16 Dec 2005 at 22:52 - 4
There are many threads about improving weapon mods/customization. Please use the search feature to make sure your posts can't easily be slipped into a currently existing thread.