Hey, quick question. Does every town have its own specific mission? The ones with the cut scenes and stuff & when done you get that sword through the shield showing its complete.
Ive never started a mission and I dont know who to talk with to start one. Ive talked to everyone but no mention of anything of the sort with anyone. The only times ive done town primary missions is when im in a group and they start them. How do I go about doing that with henchmen myself?
1. Does every town have a primary mission?
2. How do i start a town mission?
Town missions
AFAIK The places on the map represented by shields have missions. To start a mission click Enter Mission on the party list.
Ahhh, so i have to have party members in order to start town missions (the towns with shields). Thanks for the info warren.
Well, no.. AFAIK you can enter the missions solo... it's just that you'll get reamed if you do 
Worst comes to worst, take henchies.. they're more effective than a bad PUG, but obviously nowhere near as useful as other players who know what they're doing.

Worst comes to worst, take henchies.. they're more effective than a bad PUG, but obviously nowhere near as useful as other players who know what they're doing.