Updated - June 4th, 2011 (Article turning 5+ years old since the original version of this guide)
This is a community project pulling from various source's, especially guildwarsguru.
How to alter the shortcut
1)Right-click the Guild Wars icon.
2)Select 'Properties'.
3)Select the 'Shortcut' tab.
4)In the 'Target' field...
(32bit Versions of Windows) "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -switch1 -switch2 -switch3
(64bit Versions of Windows) "C:\Program Files (x86)\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -switch1 -switch2 -switch3
Quick Switch List (as of GuildWars Build 33.633)
- authsrv
- bmp
- character
- diag
- dsound
- dx8
- fps
- image
- map
- mce
- password
- perf
- port
- repair
- reset
- map
- noshaders
- nosound
- mute
- noui
- sndasio
- sndfastbuf
- sndwinmm
- uninstall
- update
- windowed
- exit
Used to change where GW authenticates to / connect to server.
Suspect used by testing of beta / internal anet servers.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -authsrv xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Where xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx = the IP address (ex
Screen shots will be in the original bit map (higher quality / larger size) instead of jpeg.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -bmp
Pre-fills in the security question (Name on of your characters).
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -character "First Last"
Run's anet Diagnostic Utility. Create a log file (NetworkDiag.log) in the same folder where the gw.exe is located.
It runs network connection tests as well as detailed hardware/direct x information.
Very useful for sending to Anet's Support for troubleshooting.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -diag
-dsound (1st Appeared in April 5th Update)
Uses the older / replaced Microsoft direct sound audio engine.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -dsound
Force the orginal Direct X 8 graphic rendering.
Enabling this an old computer / non-supported video cards may increase performance.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -dx8
Allows you to specify a specific e-mail address to use.
Easily combined with the password switch.
If you have two account, create two shortcuts, one for each account.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" [email protected]
([email protected] = e-mail address)
Frames Per Second Limit - Can limit or cap the max frames per second
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -fps x
Where x = the max frames per second. If you say -fps 10 GW will not render more then 10 frames per second.
-image<----The game will EXIT as soon as it's done checking. Remove switch to make GW playable again.
Downloads all files and Decompresses any compressed files in the gw.dat file. This will improve load time in new area's and get you up to date.
** During this process it may max out your computer (high cpu and memory usage) aka don't multi-tasks during this process **
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe” -image
Unknown Switch
Windows Media Center
Will launch Media Center after you exit GuildWars
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -mce
Automatically fills in the password
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -password=*****
Where ***** = your password
-perf<--- This is independent of the green/yellow/red dot in the lower right conrer.
Displays the performance statics - Tri, FPS, and Bytes/Sec
(Tri = Triangles, FPS = Frames per second, Bytes/Sec = Transfer Rate)
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -perf
Unknown Switch
Attempts to run a "repair" GuildWars install files. Suspect this only works if you installed from a CD/DVD, not the download client
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -repair
Unknown Switch
Disables Pixel and/or Vertex? Shader's (part of Direct X).
Using this with the dx8 switch will help you run GW better on older computer.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -noshaders
No Audio. Same effect as -mute switch. *Suspect* one mutes the volume, where the other disables the sound engine.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -nosound
No Audio. Same effect as -mute switch. *Suspect* one mutes the volume, where the other disables the sound engine.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -mute
No user interface at all. Disable the user interface.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -noui
Use the newer (FMOD) sound engine, with ASIO output
Use the newer (FMOD) sound engine, with ? option
Use the newer (FMOD) sound engine
This will uninstall guildwars.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -uninstall
Start GuildWars in a window mode vs Full screen on start up.
Usage: "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -windowed
Game doesn't launch... suspect it invokes.. exit?
Removed Switches
Allows you to specify / limit memory that guildwars uses.
This trick could make the game run better or worse depending on if you set it correctly/incorrect.
I suspect due to the complex nature of this switch, it was removed.
(Suspect it enabled the FMOD sound engine for testing before it went live in the game)
Use the newer (FMOD) sound engine, with ? multi-speaker output ? option
If you find more, figure out how to use above, find error's, please post
How to find switches in exe file
I use this freeware hex editor - http://www.chmaas.handshake.de/delph...vi32/xvi32.htm
When you Search (menu) -> Find in the exe dialog box, make sure you:
Checkmark "as Unicode Latin (UTF-16LE)
Uncheck case senstive
Do a search for any of the known strings (dx8, nosound, etc)
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