Major Rune Worth
I'm not sure if this should go into a trade forum. I've got a few major runes;Healing Prayers, Divine Favor, Earth Magic, and vigor. I was wondering, are they worth trying to sell to players or should I save time and just sell it to an NPC trader? Thanx for any responces!
Originally Posted by Krugz
I'm not sure if this should go into a trade forum. I've got a few major runes;Healing Prayers, Divine Favor, Earth Magic, and vigor. I was wondering, are they worth trying to sell to players or should I save time and just sell it to an NPC trader? Thanx for any responces!
not worth much check the trader SELL (to you) prices
Major Vigor seems to give at least 3,5k
Unless it's a Major Vigor or a Major Absoprtion, I don't bother salvaging it. I just sell the rune in the armor to the merchant. I might not get full value for the rune, but I save myself a use on my Expert Salvage Kit. Most major runes don't sell very well at all.
major vigor is worth about 5 gp, but I'll give you 8.