Running To Destiny's Gorge


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005



Well, my friends, I told you I would report on my evening's activities. Tis a sad, sad story. My character has tried to run from Augury Rock to Destiny's Gorge many times and failed each attempt.

I can get to the northeast corner of Skyward Reach where the terrain changes from desert to jungle. This seems to be the area where the entry to Destiny's Gorge is; but I'm not sure. Unfortunately, there are too many monsters there for me to get very far into the grassy area.

I'm kinda lost and depressed. I want to get to Destiny's Gorge so that I can go from there to Thirsty River. That's the next mission on my agenda.

I sure could use some good advice.

I've looked at lots of maps on the internet, but haven't found one which shows me exactly how to enter Destiny's Gorge or Thirsty River.

Last night I tried to take a party of henchmen through Skyward, but we were slaughtered every time.

This is my first time through the game, so I don't have much experience to call upon.

Thanks for any help you can send my way.


super dooper

super dooper

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


that grassy area does lead to the entrance of Destiny's Gorge, and it can be a pain (especially with hench). I don't know what advice to give but to keep trying, or.. you can whisper me ingame at Krugg Basher or Kao The Judge, and I can a) run you there (though I think fighting is better the first time around :P), or b) help you fight there.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


isn't destiny gorge a porn star?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005



you can just hire a runner(about 500g) to run you to there, if u can't afford it, gimme a PM in game and i'll run u free

IGN: Flamming Rose


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005



Super and Flamming, thanks for your replies. I sincerely appreciate your offers to help me get through to Destiny's Gorge.

I'll probably try to get through again tomorrow morning. If I can't make any more progress on my own, perhaps I'll ask for your help.

Thanks very much.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

It's not necessary to go to Destiny's Gorge to get to Thirsty River, it's just the longer, more Losaru-filled way. There's another entrance into the scar.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


it may not be necessasary, but he'll have to go there eventually to complete the 2nd 15pt attribute quest, may as well do it now.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005



Dargon and EF, thanks for the notes. I'm going to keep hitting my head against Destiny's Gorge.

This morning I'm going to return to working with henchmen. I can't run fast enough to get through the hoards in the northeast corner of Skyward.

Maybe we can fight our way through. Maybe...

Thanks again.



Academy Page

Join Date: Sep 2005


I will run u for free, and will show u my runner setup, but its a w/mo, an E/mo isnt made to run imo, you better fight your way through.
Anyways IGN: Honor and Pride (european server tho..)