how much for run to droks


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Winds of Fyre


what is the average price for that run?is it worth it for a semi-noob player who is w/mo with around 7k?



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

If you're a noob player, don't get run. You will learn better by playing through the game normally and slowly increasing your armor level along with the monsters. Otherwise, you'll be "invincible" for a while, and then start hitting hard stuff with no prior experience.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

Winds of Fyre


well i have had a char that has been to the desert but i cant get pass the missions cuz my amor was too low so i was think bout this.......and i have read the i know whats comming up

The Herbalizer

The Herbalizer

<3 Ecto

Join Date: Jul 2005

well i have had a char that has been to the desert but i cant get pass the missions cuz my amor was too low so i was think bout this.......and i have read the i know whats comming up
No its not, i have completed all the desert missions with desert armor on my ranger. Maybe its lack of teamwork or skills. Practice and it will be fine. I have done dunes at lvl 8 so i am pretty sure a lvl 15-20 with desert armor can do them with no probs.

Young Hero

Young Hero

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005



Originally Posted by cheers12
what is the average price for that run?is it worth it for a semi-noob player who is w/mo with around 7k?
I've never paid over 3K for that run. Some will run it for 2K, some want 4 and yes it is totaly worth every penny.


Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

under your bed....

Keep It Real [Real]


i have paid 1 plat for both of my droks runs, both before the update which made running easier and cheaper. i might have just gotten lucky, but i got both runners within 10 minutes of asking for a run in beacons and it doesnt seem like 1 plat is underpayment.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

I frown on Drok runs, but to each his own. Personally I like the challenge of playing through each area with whatever armor is available up to that point.

As to the problem of completing desert missions. Should be easy with Amnoon armor and a decent team, or even henchies if you know the mission and are a decent player yourself.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005

Brothers of the Jade

if it is your first character, please do not run it, enjoy the story fully and then earn your first visit everywhere, you will appreciate each step of progression that much more, possibly your second but definitly third or fourth, why play through again.

As for armors, I just bought the best armor ascalon has to offer and used that till I got to the jungle areas then upgraded there, then I upgraded in desert and then I skipped droknars for the 15k set.

For beating missions, you really never need to worry about that as most of the time some bored lvl 20 will be looking to do anything to kill time and will join your group for free. Having a lvl 20 on your team is like having the best armor on you. Let them take the punishment.