Some weird stuff going on with the mySQL side of things; we are attempting to beat it into submission, just wanna give the heads-up that nunix and Gravewit ARE aware of the issue and (mostly Grave) are working to fix it. Hopefully can get this sorted out soon!
GuildWiki chokin' on itself today, sorry folks
Not again...
i noticed its not working :/
Jesus christ. Just ban him. Fricken advertising again.
I hope the above poster was being sarcastic. Guildwiki is easily the best site for GW information on the internet (sorry GWG... forums are awesome, and now the auction thing, but GWG doesnt come close to wiki with information). Nice to know that the people behind it know theres problems with it.
Hmm, if the staff think this is advertising, they should send me a note. =p I see the site referenced all the time in posts here, on guild-hall, etc, so I'm assuming people use it, like it, and wouldn't mind having an update if something funky is going on =p
Anyway, we're just doing a software reinstall. Barring acts of divine punishment, that'll fix things, and stuff should be working later Sunday.
Anyway, we're just doing a software reinstall. Barring acts of divine punishment, that'll fix things, and stuff should be working later Sunday.
Jesus christ. Just ban him. Fricken advertising again. |
Oh noes!11! This isn't related to GWG, so it must be advertising! Banz teh noob!
In any case, glad to hear that it'll be up again. I love that place. only GW-related site I can get to at school.