LF a build to kick GF/SF in the bum



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


I've been trying out variations of this recently and it's working pretty well but i'm still getting killed every 3 or 4 groups in SF and it's kinda lame

and i can't remember t exaclt and it changs so here is jsut an outline

Healing 8
Axe 11
Strength 11
Tactics 10

something like that

Dismember <--Still trying to get Eviscerate
Watch Yourself
Healing Signet
I Will Avenge you
Healing Breeze
Engure Pain

Yes I'm new, Yes I have no clue what I'm doing and Yes I need your help
oh and I'm also using Glad's with Knight's Helm



Join Date: May 2005


Slash Rank[DeeR]


The key would be good monks, make sure your monks know what they are doing. The problem with your build is

Watch Yourself
Healing Signet
Healing Breeze
Endure Pain
are all self healing or self takning spells, the only damage your doing is with cleave and dismember, which is just deep wound and a little +damage. If you want to make a tank warrior then you really dont want any attack skills t all, and if you want to be doing damage you should only have 1-3 skills keeping yourselfg alive tops. If you could pack Cleave+dismember+penetrating blow+executioners strike and maybe a stance to build adren faster or attack faster. If you have 3 monks and all of your damage is gimped because they have 4-5 selfhealing spells on their bar, your not going to kill fast enough, therefore the monks are going to get burned of energy if they arnt good, therefore they die. Although many people would disagree, if you die, its the monks fault. Unless you leeroy or frenzy, when players die its none other than the monks fault. Having 3 monks enables all of the people to sacrifice self healing spells. Anyway, to sum it all up, its all about the team build, not the individual build.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2005


yea, I agree with you if this was a build that I was going into SF/GF with a group of humans but I can't seem to find a group to go do quests before oro with and it's kinda getting old so I'm just takeing henchies. I also hate seeing a green drop for someone other than me, it just hurts.

I'm noticeing that Healing Sig is kinda useless and I know that I need eviscreate and then sub in executioner strike, then throw in for great justice or flurry also cyclone axe charges up my adrenalin pretty fast.

so I"m thinking something like this
Watch Youself
FGJ or Flurry
Endure Pain

also I'm wondering what my attributes should look like after runes

any help is apreciated and thanks CAT that helps a lot